

Læknablaðið - 01.02.1973, Qupperneq 15

Læknablaðið - 01.02.1973, Qupperneq 15
LÆKNABLAÐIÐ 7 Nýjum starfskröftum var kennd endur- lífgunaraðgerð við komu á deildina, og gengu þær yfirleitt allvel, þótt árangur væri ekki meiri en raun ber vitni.17 Að vonum var lyfjameðferð gegn hjart- sláttaróreglu algengari á þessu tímabili, en því, sem á undan fór, enda tók áhugi manna á fyrirbyggjandi meðferð mjög að aukast um þetta leyti.17 Eins og áður var segavörnum alltaf beitt, nema sérstök rök mæltu gegn því. Ekki þykir ástæða til að fjölyrða um hina einstöku áhættuþætti sbr. fyrri rann- sókn.17 Hvað reykingar snertir, voru nið- urstöður mjög á sama veg og fyrr, þ. e. a. s. dánartala reykingamanna var lægri og meðalaldur þeirra sömuleiðis. Um túlkun á þessum atriðum vísast enn í fyrri grein okkar og bent er á erlendar niðurstöður varðandi þessi atriði.2 3 6 10 17 LOKAORÐ Dánartala er svipuð fyrst eftir og fyrir opnun hjartagæzludeildar Landspítalans. Eftir stofnun deildarinnar koma sjúkling- ar fyrr inn til meðferðar. Lyfjameðferð gegn hjartsláttaróreglu er meiri en áður. Hjartadá er sjaldgæfara en fyrr. HEIMILDIR 1. Bainton, C. R. & Peterson, D. R. Deaths from coronary heart disease in persons fifty years of age and younger. New Eng. J. Med. 268:569-575. 1963. 2. Brett, G. Z. & Benjamin, B. Smoking habits of men employed in industry and mortality. Brit. Med. J. 3:82-85. 1968. 3. Doyle, J. T. & al. Cigarette smoking and coronary heart disease. Combined experi- ence of the Albany and Framingham studies. New Eng. J. Med. 266:796-801. 1962. 4. Eddy, J. D. & Mackinnon, J. A coronary care unit in a general medical ward. Brit. Heart J. 32:733-737. 1970. 5. Fox, S. M. Policy and future of intensive coronary care, í Acute myocardial infarc- tion (ed. by Julian, D. G. & Oliver, M. F.), 328-335. [Livingstone]. Edinburgh 1968. 6. Frank, C. W. & al. Myocardial infarction in men. Role of physical activity and smok- ing in incidence and mortality. J.A.M.A. 198:1241-1245. 1966. 7. Goble, A. J. & al. Mortality reduction in a coronary care unit. Brit. Med. J. 1:1005- 1009. 1966. 8. Halperin, M. & al. Sample sizes for medical trials with special references to longterm therapy. J. Chron. Dis. 21:13-24. 1968. 9. Hubner, P. J. B. & al. Value of routine cardiac monitoring in the management of acute myocardial infarction outside a cor- onary care unit. Brit. Med. J. 1:815-817. 1969. 10. Jenkins, C. D. & al. Cigarette smoking. Its relationship to coronary heart disease and related risk factors in Western collabora- tive group study. Circulation 38:1140-1155. 1968. 11. Klaus, A. P. & al. Evaluating coronary care units. Amer. Heart J. 79:471-480. 1970. 12. McNeilly, R. H. & Pemberton, J. Duration of heart attack in 998 total cases of coron- ary artery disease and its relation to pos- sible cardiac resuscitation. Brit. Med. J. 3:139-142. 1968. 13. Most, A. S. & Peterson, D. R. Myocardial infarction surveillance in a metropolitan community. J.A.M.A. 208:2433-2438. 1969. 14. Nachlas, M. M. & Miller, D. I. Closed-chest cardiac resuscitation in patients with acute myocardial infarction. Amer. Heart J. 69: 448-459. 1965. 15. Reid, D. D. The design and conduct of clinical trials in myocardial infarction. Cir- culation 39-40:(suppl. 4) IV-91-IV-98. 1969. 16. Sloman, G. & al. Coronary care unit: A re- view of 300 patients monitored since 1963. Amer. Heart J. 75:140-143. 1968. 17. Þorsteinsson, S. & al. 151 sjúklingur með kransæðastiflu á lyflæknisdeild Landspítal- ans 1966-1968. Læknablaðið 57:255. 1971. ENGLISH SUMMARY A Coronary Care Unit was started in 1969 at the University Hospital of Iceland, Reykja- vik. When reviewing the mortality and com- plications of myocardial infarction before and after that year we have defined the interval between 1/1 1969 and 1/4 1970 as a transitional period during which some of the characteristics of the usual CCUs had been adopted but others not. Results from the pre-CCU period have al- ready been published. During the transitional period 94 patients with symptoms, biochemical and electrocardiographic findings satisfying the WHO criteria for the diagnosis of myocardial infarction were admitted, 22 females and 72 males. The overall mortality was 23,4% which is similar to the pre-CCU period (21%). The lower mortality which was expeeted with the advent of increased safety and prophylactic measures was possibly nullified by the fact that the patients were admitted earlier after the onset of acute symptoms, 55,2% in the first 6 hours as compared with 46% in the pre-CCU period, and the slightly higher in- cidence of previous infarcts, The majority of the patients were given anticoagulants and 40 received some antiar- rythmic agents.
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