

Læknablaðið - 01.02.1973, Page 35

Læknablaðið - 01.02.1973, Page 35
LÆKNABLAÐIÐ 17 chial Carcinoma. J. Thor. Cardiov. Surg. 57:318. 1969. 16. Ochsner, A., Jr. & Oehsner A. Cancer of Lung. Recognition and Management. Surg. Clin. N. Amer. 46:1411. 1966. 17. Papanicolaou, G. N. & Koproska, J. Carci- noma in Situ of Right Lower Bronchus. Cancer 4:141. 1951. 18. Pearson, G. G., Thompson, D. W. & Delarue, M. C. Experiment with the Cyto- logic Detection, Localization and Treat- ment of Radiographically Undemonstrable Bronchial Carcinoma. J. Thor. Cardiov. Surg. 54:371. 1967. 19. Public Health Service Publication No 1712. The Facts about Smoking and Health. Rockville, Maryland. Revised Jan. 1970. 20. Schwartz, M. A. Biomathematical Approach to Clinical Tumor Growth. Cancer 14:1272- 1294. 1961. 21. Thorarinsson, H., Hallgrimsson, J., Bjarna- son, Ó. & Petersen G. Carcinoma of the Lung in Iceland. Dis. Chest. 52:754. 1967. 22. Thorarinsson, H. Carcinoma of the Lung in Iceland. Scand. J. Thor. Cardiovasc. Surg. 3:31-38. 1969. 23. Umiker, W. & Storey, C. Bronchogenic Carcinoma in Situ. Cancer 5:369. 1952. 24. Valaitis, J., McGrew, E. A., Chomet, B., Correll, N. & Head J. Bronchogenic Carci- noma in Situ in Asymptomatic High-risk Population of Smokers. J. Thor. Cardiov. Surg. 57:325. 1969. 25. Woolner, L. B., Andersen, H. A. & Bernatz, P. E. "Occult” Carcinoma of the Bronchus. Dis. Chest. 37:278. 1960. 26. Zanolli, M., Puelma, H. O. & Oncto, J. Primary Bronchogenic Carcinoma. Dis. Chest. 53:183. 1963. (7I med kvedj u frá höfundi y/ RIT SEND LÆKNABLAÐINU Jón G. Hallgrímsson. Primary mediastinal tumours in Iceland 1956-1970. Thorax 27:468-471. 1972. Thorkell Jóhannesson, William J. Steele & Bernard A. Becker. Infusion of mor- phine in maternal rats at near-term: Maternal and foetal distribution and ef- fects on analgesia, brain DNA, RNA and protain. Acta pharmacol. et toxicol. 31:353-368. 1972. Gísli Fr. Petersen. Incidence of pulmonary carcinoma in Iceland between 1931 and 1964. Acta radiol. 11:321-326. 1972. Juginder Kaur, D. Catovsky, H. Valdi- marsson, Ó. Jensson, & A.S.D. Spiers. Familial acute myeloid leukaemia with acquired Pelger-Huét anomaly and aneuploidy of C group. Brit. Med. J. 4:327-331. 1972. Halla Hauksdóttir, Sævar Halldórsson, Ól- afur Jensson, Margareta Mikkelsen & Alan McDermott. Periscentric inversion of chromosome No. 13 in a large family leading to duplication deficiency caus- ing congenital malformations in three individuals. Journal of Medical Genet- rics 9:413-421. 1972.



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