

Læknablaðið - 01.06.1977, Side 77

Læknablaðið - 01.06.1977, Side 77
Monofilament Polypropylene PROLENE suture is one of the most versatile non- absorbable sutures available. Its remarkable smoothness makes it desirable as a cosmetic suture. The same quality is valuable in cardiovascular work. It is the least thrombogenic suture material, which is important in cardiovascular surgery. The fact that PROLENE suture will retain its in vivo tensile strength for years makes it the suture of choice when extended approximation is a must. As a monofilament, it has no interstices to harbour bacteria. It is unwetted by blood, unweakened by tissue enzymes, offers prolonged tensile strer.gth even in infected areas. PROLENE suture is pliable, ties securely and handles well. PRECAUTIONS — Unused PROLENE sutures may not be autoclaved more than three times by the standard autoclaving method without loss of strength. Care should be taken to avoid damaging the surface of the material with surgical instruments. Available in a range of eyeless needled sutures for skin closure, abdominal closure and cardiovascular procedures. ETH ICON Leadership in wound repair LTD. P.O. BOX 408, BANKHEAD AVENUE, EDINBURGH EH1 1 4HE, SCOTLAND A* y4USTURBAKKI HF SKEIFAN 3A, SÍMAR 38944-30107 * ' RADEMARK © F.THIC0N LTD1975.



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