Fréttablaðið - 06.09.2013, Side 33

Fréttablaðið - 06.09.2013, Side 33
Eldborg Hörpu · 25. nóvem ber · Kl 20.00 Fyrrum meðlimir Dire Straits ásamt vel völdum, heimsklassa tónlistarmönnum flytja öll bestu lög hljómsveitarinnar á eftirminnilegan hátt. Miðasala hefst á miðvikudaginn á, og í síma 528 50 50 ,,The first thing to realize is that is NOT Dire Straits, but what is important is the qual- ity of the playing – and by this yardstick the Straits were excellent, with Terence Reis brilliantly imitating that distinctive Knopfler style” ,,Amazing band, the best of all these "old bands" come back, without any hesitation. The lead singer/guitarist brings his personal style and voice, which makes it much more than a tribute to Mark Knopfler, and remind us that The Straits are not Dire Straits.” ,,Well..... having seen Dire Straits seven times in my teens, 30 years was a long time to wait to hear the music again. But well worth the wait.... Guys thank you so much for forming the band again. We had a fabulous evening and it was amazing to hear those songs played live again.” Gagnrýnendur eruallir á sama máli, FIMM STJÖRNUTÓNLEIKAR



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