STARA - 14.11.2015, Page 50

STARA - 14.11.2015, Page 50
S T A R A V o l 5 . is su e 3 . 2 0 15 50 Background and education I began studying art at The Red Cross Nordic United World Col- lege, an international high school in Norway. My art teacher there was a huge influence on me and pushed me a lot. Her husband ran the Nordisk Kunstnarsenter residence in Dalsaasen at the time which provided us with a connec- tion with working artists. I did my BA degree at the art department of Iceland Academy of the Arts and Universität der Künste in Berlin, and finished my MA from CalArts in Los Angeles in 2010. Since then I have worked independently on various projects, exhibitions and arts education. What is SÍM to you? Why did you become a member and what do you feel is the advantage of being a member? In my opinion, SÍM should oper- ate as an interest organization and a union for visual artists. I joined it right after graduating from the BA program. I think the strength of SÍM is mainly that the organi- zation has become a representa- tive in an official capacity and handles the important policy work such as pushing for arts fund- ing and a greater focus on art in society. Your studio I have a space at Mýrargata which I use intermittently since my studio tends to move around. My works are mostly built on research conducted in various places. In that sense my studio is not a fixed point. A conversation with Bjarki Bragason Jóna Hlíf Halldórsdóttir asked Bjarki Bragason (b. 1983) about his background, his studio and the projects he is working on at the moment. Past Understandings (v ide o capture) , ins t a l l at ion , v ide o, s c u lpture , Kunst h is tor i s ches Mus eum Wien , Ant i kens amm lung , 2015 , pro duce d wit h supp or t f rom Ku ltur Kont a kt Aust r ia , Bundeskanz leramt



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