
Jökull - 01.12.1956, Blaðsíða 50

Jökull - 01.12.1956, Blaðsíða 50
area off the boundary. The concentration throughout the entire area of observation 'was s/io to 8/10 with heaviest concentration within 30 miles off the Greenland coast. In the period t/i^ — 2ð/i2 single icebergs were reported off the NW-coasts between 6646/2300 and 6620/2430. JANUARY 1956. The average distance of t.lie boundary from S traumnes was about 80 miles with nearesl approach of 65 miles at the begin of the month. 7/i Pack boundary extended from 6515/3300 to 6735/2305 to 6950/1730 to Kap Tobin. The concentration within 30 miles off the Green- land coast consisted of 2/io brash and block and 6/g small and medium floes or 8/io field ice (in certain areas). The coverage in the re- mainder of the area was 2/io brash and block, 2/io small and medium floes and s/io field ice. 13/i The boundary extended from 6500/3845 -6500/3535-6630/2810-6730/2600. The con- centration from 6500 til 6530 consisted of 7/io brash and block, and t/io small and medium floes. Off the pack boundary the coverage was t/io brash and block and //io small floes. 18/i The boundary was from 6930/2000— 6640/2835-6650/3000-6535/3120. The con- centration consisted of 8/io to Gio coverage in all areas observed, with scattered broken ice off the pack boundary north of 6830 N. 26/i The pack boundary from 6830/2222— 6750/2340-6750/2425 to 6648/2820. Concentra- tion: 8/io to !/ io coverage 10 miles off the pack boundary and 5/io to 8/io 10—15 rniles within the boundary. Winter ice in Icelandic fjords and harbours. During a cold spell in January many small fjords and sheltered harbours became covered by new ice. Towards the end of the month the ice was 5 inches thick in the harbour of Reykja- vík and 5—10 inches on Skerjafjord. At Breida- fjord, the Álftafjord, Hvammsfjord and the small northern fjords were closed by winter ice. On the last day of the month and Februarv 1 all this ice was swept away by a severe south- erly gale with rain and mild weather. A single iceberg was repeatedly observed slowly drifting from pos. 6630/2100 towards C. Horn. On the 22nd it was only 18 miles NE of C. Horn, but three days later it was drifting into the Húnaflói and sighted SE o£ Kjörvogur. FEBRUARY 1956. The average distance of the pack boundary from Straumnes was about 90 miles with nearest approach of 65 miles. 4/o The boundary extended from 7015/1800 to 6927/2200 to 6830/2300 to 6729/2805 to 6608/3020 to 6520/3250. Concentration off the pack boundary 4/io to 8/io puddled floes throughout the entire area. 12/o. The boundary observed by radar from 6520/3300 to 6650/2700 to 6727/2345 to 6830/ 2300 to 6930/1830. Concentration 5/io to 7 / m ten miles off the pack boundary, with the hea- viest concentration north of 67—00 N. 18/2 The pack boundary observed from 7000/ 2130 to 6840/2400 to 6725/2800 to 6555/3345 to 6555/3430. Concentration up to 8/io 130 miles off the pack boundary in the northern area and 5/io to 8/io 10 miles off the bound- ary in the southern. There were widely scatter- ed bergy bits, brash ancl block up to 80 miles offshore north o£ 6730 N. 23/2 The pack boundary was observed by radar from 6800/2400 to 6700/2700 to 6700/ 3000 to 6636/3230 to 6615/3145 to 6525/3335 to 6515/3600. MARCH 1956. The average distance of the ice edge from Straumnes was about 80 miles, the nearest approach 65 miles. 8/a The pack boundary was observed by radar from 6825/1800 to 6817/2000 to 6745/ 2200 to 6703/2525 to 6602/2700 tö 6557/2900 to 6520/2930 to 6429/3115. No determination of coverage. Distance of the ice edge from Straumnes 65 miles. 13/3 The ice boundary was observed by radar from 6913/1952 to 6718/2748 to 6735/2940 to 6703/3120 to 6536/3235. Distance from Straum- nes about 95 miles. Many bergs, growlers and belts were observed along the northwestern ex- tremities. 23/3 Ice boundary from 6930/1900 to 6835/ 2150 to 6642/2933 to 6650/3036 to 6510/3456. Many bergs observed 10—15 miles off the coast of K. Gustav Holm. Distance from. Straumnes about 90 miles. 48
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