
Jökull - 01.12.1965, Page 7

Jökull - 01.12.1965, Page 7
the precipituous NW face of Svíahnúkur eystri — to the open water at the foot of Depill (cf. the ntap Fig. 1). A precise levelling of this pro- íile was carried out on June 10, 1958, by Baldur Jóhannesson and is publishecl here as Fig. 4. Usually, however, these levellings have been carried out by driving along a straight line between Gríðarliorn and Depill in a wiesel, measuring the height of the surface every 200 to 500 meters with the Kollsman sensitive alti- meter. The results of rhese measurements be- tween the last two jökulhlaups are shown in Fig. 5. Tliese measurements which are in good agreement with jóhannessons precise levelling, are exact enough to prove that the shape of the profile is nearly the same from year to year even after a sinking caused by a jökulhlaup. The central area is always practically flat (Fig. 6). The sloping at both ends of the profiles is mainly due to increased ablation caused by the black caldera walls. The height difference be- tween the central area and the lake surface at Depill is nearly constant, averaging 21 to 22 metres. Thus the entire firn floor of the caldera rises at the same rate as the water level. This is easiest to explain by assuming that the firn- ice mass within the caldera is floating. Assum- mg the specific weight of this mass to be about 0.9, the thickness of the ice in the central part of the caldera would be 210 to 220 m. The specific weight could possibly be somewhat higher as tephra from the 1934 Grímsvötn erup- tion and previous eruptions is embedded in the lower part of the ice and this would mean a somewhat greater thickness of the floating ice mass. THE RESULTS OF THE SEISMIC SOUNDINGS. Convincing as the assumption of floating icc mass may seem in the light of the results of the annual levellings, tliis assumption is not in good agreement with the results of the seismic soundings that have been carried out within the Grímsvötn area. The French-Icelandic expedition in March— April 1951 (Eythórsson 1951, Floltzscherer 1954) sounded the thickness of Vatnajökull in a great number of places spread nearly all over the glacier. These measurements were carried out by an experienced French geophysicist, Alan Joset, but the results were worked out by another French geophysicist, J. J. Holtzscherer (op. cit.) as Joset was killed by an accident on the In- landice of Greenland on August 4, 1951. Most of the soundings gave reliable results, but the efforts to measure the ice-thickness in the area NE of Svíalinúkur eystri were without success. Within the Grímsvötn caldera the thick- ness was measured at two points. At the eastern point, in the SE part of the caldera floor (cf. Holtzscherer 1954, Fig. 9) the thickness of the JÖKULL 113



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