
Jökull - 01.12.1967, Blaðsíða 12

Jökull - 01.12.1967, Blaðsíða 12
Accorcling to rough measúrements tlie total volume of the glacial burst water was only about 3.5 G1 ± 25%. DISCUSSION Due to the great danger to human lives and property caused by the larger jökulhlaups from Mýrdalsjökull it would be feasible to be able to 1) predict jökulhlaups, 2) give a warning at. the moment when the hlaup sets off, and 3) see immediately of what kind the jökulhlaup is. As the unusual jökulhlaup of June 25 broke out just when thickness measurements were being carried out on Mýrdalsjökull by seismic sounding methods one may ask, if the dyna- mite explosions hacl set off this jökulhlaup. This is not considered likely and it should be pointed out that the hlaup broke out from Höfdabrekkujökull at 20.00 hours and between 14.30 and 19.00 hours 8 earthquakes (M = 2—4) that originated in the Katla area were recorded in Reykjavík (Tryggvason 1960). It cannot be said at tliis stage in which way these earthquakes are related to the jökulhlaup but it seems likely that they were caused by sub- glacial volcanic activity. The expedition stav- ing on Mýrdalsjökull at the time of the jökul- hlaup felt one earthquake ancl frequently the seismic sounding work had to be postponed because of disturbances on the geophones. One might also ask if the jökulhlaup in 1955 had drained all the subglacially accumu- latecl water in the Katla depression so large lilaups would not take place in the near fu- ture. This seems unlikely, liowever, as the cauldrons have already disappeared. The jökulhlaup in 1955 showed clearly that water can accumulate under the ice cover. Most likely only part of this accumulated water was drainecl by the lilaup. Such subglacial ac- cumulation of water throws some light on, or even explains, tlie large jökulhlaups which may have reached a flow rate of one hundred to several hundred thousands m3/sec as deduced from photographs and other reliable sources. In order to follow such subglacial accumula- tion of water it would be important to mea- sure changes in the altitude of the surface of the ice cover in the Katla depression at least every 5 years. It w'oulcl also be of great value, if a hole could be drilled through the ice cover into the water basin. REFERENCES Sveinsson, G. 1919: Kötlugosið 1918 og alleið- ingar þess. (The eruption of Katla in 1918 and its consequences) (Icelandic). Gefið út að tilhlutan Stjórnarráðs Islands. Reykja- vík 1919, 59 bls. Thorarinsson, S. and Rist, S. 1955: An investiga- tion of Katla ancl the glacial burst from Katla in the summer 1955. A preliminary report (Icelandic). Jökull 5, 43—46. Thorarinsson, S. 1957: The jökulhlaup from the Katla area in 1955 compared with other jökulhlaups in Iceland. Jökull 7, 21—25. Tryggvason, E. 1960: Earthquakes, jökulhlaups and subglacial eruptions. Jökull 10, 18—22. JÖKULHLAUP ÚR MÝRDALSJÖKLI 25. júni 1955 og 20. janúar 1956 Sigurjón Rist, Vatnamælingadeild Orkustofnunar. ÁGRIP 1) Hinn 25. júní 1955 brauzt út jökulhlaup undan Mýrdalsjökli og féll í árnar Múlakvísl og Skálm. Samtímis mynduðust tvö ketilsig i jökulinn, en ekkert eldgos kom upp. Rúmmál ketilsiganna var samtals 28 Gl ± 15% (1 Gl = 10e ms). Magn hlaupvatnsins var árnóta. 2) Hlaup kom á ný í Múlakvisl 20. janúar 1956. Það var af öðrum toga spunnið, komið úr jökullónum i randfjöllum jökulsins. Magn þessa hlaups var um 5.5 Gl. JÖKULHLAUPIÐ 1955 I greininni hér á unclan um þykktarmælingu á Mýrdalsjökli í júní 1955 er drepið á það, að hlaup kom einmitt úr jöklinum, meðan starfað var að mælingum. Einnig var gerð nokkur grein fyrir Jressu lilaupi af Sigurði Þór- arinssyni og Sigurjóni Rist (1955) og Sigurði Þórarinssyni (1957). Af frásögn sjónarvotta má ráða, að hlaup- vatn kom kl. 20.00 (GMT) hinn 25. júní 1955 í Rjúpnagili undan vesturhorni Höfðabrekku- 246 JÖKULL 17. ÁR
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