
Jökull - 01.12.1967, Síða 94

Jökull - 01.12.1967, Síða 94
ward to the tnain ice. On tlie 21st the tnain edge was still 60 miles NW of Göltur, 40—50 miles NNW from Straumnes and 35—45 miles N to NE from Horn. During the last days of the month however, open or very open pack ice drifted toward the coast, all the way to the coast from Ritur to Horn, up to 3 to 9 tniles from the other northern promontories. i/g Lance II (Norwegian sealing vessel) re- ports ice surrounding the ship at 20 miles 300° true frorn Kolbeinsey. 1 /3—3/3 Several ships reported scattered to fairly dense drift ice í'rom about 6620/2110 extencling N and W to Cape Straumnes. Some drifted ashore near Horn (Cape North). Ship GIAE at 6636/2118 on the 3rd reports dense impassable ice 1 to 2 miles NE of position. 4/s—5/3 Beside the ice reported on the pre- vious days, scattered ice is now reported fartlier south, individual floes near Galtarviti, and some stranded there and near Sæból (6604/2343). The following reports are quoted: 4 /3 M/s Herðubreið: Considerable drift ice on shipping route from Oðinsboði to Barði. 5/3 Coast Guard vessel: At about 1100 sorne ice floes were seen adrift on shipping lane off Onundarfjörður and Sauðanes, difficult to ob- serve. Could be dangerous to vessels. m/b Hafliði: 20 miles NNW from Skagatá (ship pos. approx. 6627/2020). Encountered fairly dense drift ice and observed dense ice strip in radar short distance to NW. Visibility 1 km. 6/3 Ice reconnaissance flight by SIF. Main ice edge was limited by the following coordin- ates: 6710/1850, 6712/2020, 6717/2130, 6725/ 2152, 6708/2400, 6653/2425, 6623/2600. There were several tongues extending 20 to 30 miles from the ice edge, the tip of the closest one being 30 miles NNW from Kögur. Single floes were reportecl from the coast between lines extending NNE from Horn and NE frorn Drangafjall, the coverage becoming 1/10 to 3/10 40 rniles from the coast to the rnain edge. A few ice floes were also reported 8 miles WNW from Göltur. 7/3 Ice reconnaissance by SIF: Main ice edge lay between these points: 6730/2045, 6740/2145, 6722/2148, 6710/2245, 6713/2340, 6612/2600. For further details see map. 8/3 Hornbjargsviti reports considerable drift ice on regular shipping route, few large floes farther away. 9/3 M/g Árvakur reports small ice from Aðal- vík (south of Straumnes) to Hælavíkurbjarg and a large floe 3.5 niiles 89° from Horn. Hudson at 6554/2900: In dense ice, distance to edge over 20 miles. 21 /3 Ice reconnaissance by SIF. Ice edge ap- proximately defined by lines between following points: 6610/2000, 6658/2147, 6712/2155, 6700/ 2305, 6710/2335, 6700/2355, 6705/2450, 6635/ 2600. Closest approaches to lancl were 35 miles NNE from Florn and 30 miles N from Kögur, at these points however, and for 25—35 miles farther out the coverage was only 1/10 to 6/10, 7/10 to 9/10 elsewhere. 27/3 Following a northerly gale for two days, Grímsey reported scattered ice at 0800 IMT surrounding the island and some drifted ashore. From shortly before noon until late evening several reports were received of scattered ice off the north coast from 11 rniles E of Langa- nes to Galtarviti. Closest approaches to land: Leirhöfn 1—2 miles, Héðinsfjörður (clistance not specified), Skagi 8 miles, Horn less than 1 mile and Galtarviti estimated 2—5 miles. 28/3 Several meteorological stations ancl ships sent ice reports indicating that the ice had drifted somewhat towards south, but otherwise changed very little. Stations Mánárbakki and Siglunes now report few icefloes, but had not reported any ice on the previous day, Skaga- strönd reports at 0915 IMT: Widely separated floes on shipping routes from Skallarif to Kálfshamarsvík ancl beyond. Some drift ice is also NE of Skallarif. Grímsey at 1700 IMT: The ice from yester- day has drifted out of sight towards south, but scatterecl drift ice is seen towards NW, more dense fartlier E. Direction of drift, S and SW. Visibility very good. Ice reconnaissance by TF-DGD. The ice edge roughly follows lines between the following points: 6635/1810, 6615/2055, 6625/2145, 6620/ 2205, ancl from there 1—3 miles offshore to 6622/2315, 6612/2340, 6610/2408, 6600/2445, 6548/2540. At the ice edge ancl 10—20 miles beyoncl coverage was 1/10 to 3/10, scatterecl ice floes were frequent between the main ice and the coast. 29/3 According to reports from the meteoro- 328 JÖKULL 17. ÁR
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