
Jökull - 01.12.1967, Blaðsíða 93

Jökull - 01.12.1967, Blaðsíða 93
°/12 Several ships report drift ice from an area 15 to 30 miles WNW from Ritur (ap- proximate central position 6628/2400. T/i2 m/b Andri reports a rather clense ice edge observed by radar 12 miles WNW from Kópur (ice approx. at 6655/2435). Orientation SW-NE. ®/12 Ice reconnaissance flight by SÍF from 6725/2030 along the ice edge SW to 6525/2740. lce field 50—60 miles WNW from Látrabjarg, 16 miles NW of Kögur, 22 miles N of Horn. The ice field is generally dense, 9/10, except in some places at the edge, where the cover is 1/10 to 4/10. Ship (DfNI) at position 6630/2518 reports drift ice, difficult for navigation, in its vicinity. Weather station Alfa reports iceberg 20 met- ers high, 50 meters long in the vicinity. Posi- tions: At 0900, 6157/3305, at 1200, 6149/3250, at 1500, 6145/3244. M/g Fjallfoss: Large iceberg and small growl- ers sighted in position 5843/3927 and two large icebergs pos. approx. 5848/3845. Visibility good. !0/i2 m/b Dan reports ice floe in approx. pos. 6640/2325. 22/l2 M/g Tungufoss: Large iceberg adrift at 5810/3410. sl/i2 Trawler Mai: One large iceberg at 5720/3910. JANUARY 1967 In the first half of this month some drift ice u>as reported 20 to 30 rniles off the NW peninsula. Towards the end of the month, the ice seems to have been much farther off-shore. 4/i Ice reconnaissance by SIF. Ice edge running roughly between the following points: 6740/2045, 6725/2230, 6710/2230, 6700/2330, 6708/2400, 6650/2400, 6654/2425, 6640/2505, 6620/2435, 6620/2600. The closest approaches to land were 28 miles from Straumnes and 26 miles from Barði. 5/1 Trawler reports fairly dense drilt ice in approximate position 6625/2405. 7/i Ice reconnaissance by SIF. Ice edge running between these points: 6715/2140, 6725/2300, 6713/2320, 6720/2340, 6705/2430, 6702/2500, 6642/2520. Density at ice edge: 4/10 to 6/10. Closest approaches to land: Straumnes 46 miles, Deild 54 miles. 8/i Trawler Kaldbakur at 6636/2454 reports ice just W of the ship drifting SE. 9/i Same trawler reports ice edge in posi- tion 6612/2445 oriented NW to SE. 10/i Same ship at 6600/2542, very close to ice edge which is orientated E—AV, n/i Coast Guard vessel reports dense drift ice at 6628/2425 and also at 6635/2410 with scattered ice as close as 19 miles from Ritur. Ship DIGO pos. 6600/2606. Heavy drift ice 2—4 miles to NE, edge orientated NW—SE. 12/i The Coast Guard reports ice fields re- ported yesterday now in position 6623/2500, with ice edge running both due west from posi- tion and 5 miles NE, and tlien due north. 17/i Ice reconnaissance by SIF: Ice edge roughly at these points: 6735/2315, 6718/2300, 6730/2355, 6709/2435, 6723/2500, 6704/2525, 6710/2600. Closest approach to land: 50 miles from Kögur. 20/i Ice reconnaissance by SIF: Ice edge at these points: 6735/2112, 6730/2255, 6704/2417, 6701/2455, 6650/2520. 24/i Ice reconnaissance by SIF. Ice edge about 60 niiles NW from Straumnes, running roughly WSW to ENE. Density at edge 4/10 to 6/10, but 8/10 to 9/10 about 10 miles in- side the edge. 31/i Hudson CGDG reports at position 6642/2642 scattered drift ice toward W and later at 6712/2642 dense drift ice surrounding the ship. FEBllUARY 1967 During the first week the ice rnoved closer to NW Iceland. !/2 Hudson reports at 6654/2524: No ice. °/2 Trawler Kaldbakur reports at 6648/2424: At the edge orientated E—W. Ice reconnaissance by SIF places the ice edge at a line between these points: 6800/1930, 6803/2020, 6752/2035, 6755/2100, 6720/2205, 6710/2335, 6655/2345, 6700/2430, 6633/2525, 6640/2600. The density at the edge and some 20 miles beyoncl varied from slush to 5/10. MARCH 1967 During the first weeks the rnain ice edge tuas about 50 miles NW from Straumnes and 55—60 miles NNE from Horn and scattered ice extendecl from the coast at Hornstrandir NE-
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