Hagskýrslur - Hagtöluárbækur - 01.01.1967, Blaðsíða 15
Hr. Bls.
223 Rakatrartekjur og rekatrargjöld aveitarfélaga í heild árin 1959-
1962 I þúa.kr./current revenue and eipenditure of all communea
1959-1962, in thous of kr..........................................262
224 Rekatrartekjur og rekstrargjöld eveitarfálaga 1962 f þiifl.kr., eftir
kaupetöðum og sýslum/current revenue and expenditure of conmunes
1962, by tovna and counties, in thous. of kr..........................264
225 Helatu niðuratöður dr reikningum bœjarfélaga 1953-1962 í þda.kr./main
resulta of municipal accounts (towna only) 1953-1962, in thoua.of kr. 266
226 Heildartekjur einstaklinga og félaga 1935-1962, í millj.kr./total in-
come of individuals and companies 1935-1962, in milliona of kxénur . 268
XI Almannatryggjpgar o.fl./soclal insurance etc,
227 Yfirlit um sjdkrasanlög 1937-1963/health inaurance societies 1937-
1963 ................................................................. 269
228 Hlutfallsleg skipting dtgjalda sjdkraaamlaga 1937-1963/ezpenditure
of health insurance societies 1937-1963. Percentage distribution . . 270
229 Almannatryggingar 1947-1964: Lífeyris- og slysatryggingar/social in-
surance 1947-1964: Pension insurance and employment injuries inauneoce 271
230 Átvinnuleyeistryggingar og Atvinnuleysistryggingaajdður 1956-1964/un-
employment insurance and the Onemployment Insurance Pund 1956-1964 . 272
231 Slys 1947-1963, bátaskyld hjá almannatryggingum/employment injuries
1947-1963, indemnified by the State Social Security Institution . . 273
232 Eignir og skuldir tiyggingafélaga 1957-1962, f þds.kr./aaseta and
liabilities of inaurance companies 1957-1962, in thoua.of krónur . . 275
233 Tekjur og gjöld tryggingafélaga 1957-1962, í þds.kr./receipts and
expenditure of inaurance companies 1957-1962, in thous. of krdnur . 277
234 Iðgjöld og tjónabœtur tryggingafélaga 1957-196Z/premiians and damages
of insurance compeuiies 1957-1962 .................................... 278
235 Starfandi lífeyrissjdðir í árslok 1965/pension funda at end of year
1965 ................................................................ 279
XII Verðiag og kaupgjald, vinnumarkaður, neyzla o.fl./
prices anu wages, labour conditions, consumption etc.
236 Vísitala fraufærslukostnaðar 1960-1965» eftir mánuðum. Marz 195^*10</
cost of living index 1960-1965, by months. March 195^=100 ......... 281
237 Vísitala framfæialukostnaðar 1950-1965/cost of living index 1950-1965 282
238 Sundurgreining á vísitölu framfarslukostnaðar í ágdst 1959 og oktdber
1963/breakdown of the cost of living index as of Angust 1959 and
October 1963 284
239 Vísitölur vöru og þjdnuatu 1914-1965/cost of living index serieB
1914-1965, goods and services only .............. .......... 285
240 anáaöluverð I aurum á nokkrum neyzluvörum í Reykjavík í oktdber 1914-
1965/retail price in "aurar" of some consumer goods in Reykjavik in
October 1914-1965 286
241 Grundvöllur víeitölu framfærslukostnaðar: Skipting dtgjalda/oost of
living index: Breakdovm of expenditure ................................ 289
242 Vísitala byggingarkostnaðar í Reykjavík 1914-1938/building cost index
in Rejdcjavík 1914-1938 290