Hagskýrslur - Hagtöluárbækur - 01.01.1967, Blaðsíða 317
1 2 3 4 1 5 6
92 Einyrkjar _ _ _ _
93 Verkstjórnarmenn, yfirmenn 64 266 - - 64 266
94 Faglærðir, iðnnemar, o.þ. h. 147 219 1 117 148 219
95 ófaglært verkafólk . 475 164 77 104 552 156
96 Olíkamleg störf. s. s. skrifst.- fólk, verzlunar- ogbúðarfólk og m. fl 85 233 42 122 127 196
97 Sérfræðingar 14 371 - - 14 371
Alls 1964/total 1964. . . . 60126 155 25460 54 85586 125
Alls 1963/total 1963. . . . 59018 122 25105 43 84123 99
Alls 1962/total 1962. . . . 58436 100 25284 34 83720 80
1) Tekjur ársins 1964 samkvæmt framtölum til skatts 1965. - Sjá athugasemd
2) viS töflu nr. 246 varðandi hugtakiS brúttótekjur/income 1964 according to tax
retums 1965. See footnote 2) to table 246 concerning the concept gross income.
2) Special occupational groups not included in part B. 3) Classification by
industry and status.
Dálkafyrirsagnir/headings : 1,3,5: tala framteljenda/number of persons de-
claring their income. 2,4,6: meðaltekjur á framteljanda,1000 kr/average gross
income per declaring person, 1000 kr.
Translation of text lines : 00: trawler officers ( including boatmen ). 01: other
members of trawler crews. 02: officers on other fishing-boats (including
whalers ). 03: other members of crews on fishing-boats.including assisting
workers on land ( gutters etc.).04:drivers. 05:charwomen and similar workers.
06: housekeepers, cooks, maids, valets and related service workers ( workers
in hospitals excluded, cp. 08 ). 07: physicians, surgeons and dentists. 08: mid-
wives, nurses and other workers in hospitals, old age homes, kindergartens
etc. 09: teachers and schoolmasters. 11: government civil servants other than
those included in 04-09. 12: municipal civil servants other than those included
in 04-09. 13: all personnel of banks, and insurance companies. 14: all personnel
of trade associations, professional.political and labour organizations, newspapers
etc. 15: pensionaries, people living on property and public support. 16: munici-
pal work groups of youngsters. 17: skilled and unskilled labourers in the service
of municipalities and municipal institutions. 18: no income. 19: not ciassifiable.
2-: agriculture. 3-: fisheries (excludingseamen.cp. 00-03 ) and fish pro-
cessing. 4-: manufacturing ( excluding fish processing ). 5-: construction.
6-: wholesale and retail trade, oil companies, lotteries. 7-: transport ( exclud-
ing drivers, cp. 04 ). 8-: services. 9-: in the service of Defence Force and of
Defence Force contractors.
21,31 etc.: employers, managers etc. 22,32 etc.: workers on own account.
23,33 etc.: foremen, superiors, etc. 24,34 etc.: skilled workers, apprentices
etc. 25,35: unskilled labourers. 26,36: clerieal workers and sales workers etc.
27,37: specialists.
Heimildir : Hinar sömu og fyrir töflu nr. 246.
Skýringar : Vísað til greinargerðar með töflum um tekjur einstakra starfsstétta
1964 í nóvemberblaði Hagtíðinda 1965. Einkum er vfsað til skýringa við töflu
2 á bls. 232-234 í nefndu blaði Hagtíðinda. Þá er enn freinur vísað til skýringa
við töflu 246.