Hagskýrslur - Hagtöluárbækur - 01.01.1967, Blaðsíða 185
TAFLA 139 (frh.). FJÁRMUNAMYNDUN 1957-1963 f MILLJ. KR.
| 1957 1958 | 1959 | 1960 1961 | 1962 1963
54 Samzönsumannvlrki alls 157,0 138,9 175,8 253,8 277,9 375,8 439,6
55 Veglr og bryr .... 42,3 39,1 38,2 61,9 66,3 101,8 151,0
56 Götur og holræsl . 39,1 42,9 50,7 57,0 65,2 84,4 102,2
57 Hafnir og vltar .... 40,9 34,4 40,2 55,3 66,0 69,4 109,0
58 Reykjavfkurhöfn . ( 6,2) ( 6,0) ( 5.5) ( 8.1) (10,1) ( 6,1) ( 5,8)
59 ASrar hafnir og vitar. . (34,7) (28,4) (34,7) (47,2) (55,9) (63,3) (103,2)
60 Flugvellir 8,7 5,4 12,2 10,3 9,9 11,8 12,6
61 Póstur, sfmi og útvarp. . 26,0 17.1 34,5 69,3 70,5 108,4 64,8
62 BvKfringar hlns opinbera alls 83,5 94,6 109,8 131,6 188,1 218,4 232,1
63 Skolar og fþróttamannvlrki 38,5 42,0 47,2 59,3 94,2 106,2 110,9
64 Sjúkrahús 21,2 23,6 22,9 25,2 22,7 40,4 41,3
65 Félagsheimill og klrkjur . • • . 15,7 14,2 18,0 19,4 26,9 36,0 39,7
66 ASrar opinberar bygglngar 8,1 14,8 21,7 27,7 44,3 35,8 40,2
Heimlldlr : Ur þjóSarbúskapnum (tfmarit Framkvæmdabanka íslands ) og handrit
frá Efnahagsstofnuninni.
Translation of textlines : 1: agriculture total. 2: cultivation of land, new fences
etc. 3: agricultural buildings. 4: machinery and equipment. 5: cultivation of
sands, forests. 6: inland water fishing. 7: fisheries total. 8: trawlers. 9: other
ships. 10: new ships. 11: motors and improvements. 12: manufacturing total.
13: manufacturing of agricultural products. 14: buildings. 15: machinery and
equipment. 16: processing of fish. 17: buildings. 18: machinery and equipment.
19: salting of herring. 20: cement factory and fertilizer plant. 21: other manu-
facturing industries. 22: buildings. 23: machinery and equipment. 24: various
machinery and equipment. 25: excavators, cranes, hoists and belt tractors.
26: other machinery for construction. 27: machinery for construction bought
from Defence Force. 28: drilling machinery. 29: office machinery. 30: electric
power, geothermal heating and water supply, total. 31: electric power plants
and transmission lines. 32: electrification authorities. 40: geothermal heating
systems and drilling. 41: water supply. 42: transport equipment total. 43: ships,
other than fishing vessels. 44: aeroplanes. 45: cars for business use. 46: comm-
ercial and office buildings, hotels, etc., total. 48: gasoline filling stations and
oil tanks. 49: construction of dwellings, total. 50: the capital. 51: other towns.
52: villages. 53: rural communes. 54: communications total. 55: roads and
bridges. 56: streets etc. 57: harbours and lighthouses. 58: the capital. 59:other
60: airfields. 61: post, telephone and telegraph. 62: public buildings total. 63:
schools, sport centers. 64: hospitals. 65: community centers and churches.
66: other public buildings.