Hagskýrslur - Hagtöluárbækur - 01.01.1967, Blaðsíða 77
TAFLA 52. (frh.) DANIR A HVERJA 100 000 ÍBÚA 1951-63....
1 2 3 4
B/45 Elli, án þess að getiS sé geSbilunar,
illa skýrgreindar sjúkdómsorsakir
og banamein 34,7 22,8 24 13,0
B/46 Hvers konar aSrir sjúkdómar . 51,9 53,7 110 59,4
BN/47 Beinbrot, áverkiá höfSi og innvort-
is áverki 23,0 23,9 58 31,3
BN/48 Bruni 2,0 1,8 5 2,7
BN/49 Eitrun 4,6 4,2 5 2,7
BN/50 Hvers konar önnur eSa óskýrgr. mein
af ytri orsök 33,9 24,2 59 31,9
BE/47 BifreiSarslys '. 8,9 8,3 20 10,8
BE/48 Hvers konar önnur slys 41,9 37,3 91 49,2
BE/49 SjálfsmorS og sjálfsáverki. 11,8 8,0 15 8,1
BE/50 Manndráp og áverki af hernaSaraS-
gerSum 0,9 0,5 1 0,5
Alls/total * 728,6 698,9 1327 716,5
* Tölur í 4 neíSstu línunum (BE47-50) eru ekki meStaldar í samtölum, þar eS
þær eru innifaldar í tölum ofar í töflunni. 1 4 neSstu tölulínunum eru, meS
öSrum orSum, slysadauSdagar endurflokkaSir eftir ytri orsök / figures in
lines BE47-50 are not included in total as they are counted in figures above
lines B47-50.
Translation of causes of death : B/l:tuberculosis of respiratory system. B/2:tu-
berculosis, other forms. B/3:syphilis and its sequelæ. B/7: scarlet fewer and
streptococcal sore throat. B/8: diphtheria. B/9: whooping cough. B/10:meningo-
coccal infections. B/12: acute poliomyelitis. B/14: measles. B/17: all other
diseases classified as infective and parasitic. B/18: malignant neoplasms, in-
cluding neoplasms of lymphatic and hæmatopoietic tissues. B/19: benign neo-
plasms and neoplasms of unspecified nature. B/20: diabetes mellitus. B/21:
anæmias. B/22: vascular lesions affecting central nervous system. B/23: non-
meningococcal meningitis. B/24: rheumatic fever. B/25: chronic rheumatic
heart disease. B/26: arteriosclerotic and degenerative heart disease. B/27:
other diseases of heart. B/28: hypertension with heart disease. B/29: hyper-
tension without mention of heart. B/30: influenza. B/31: pneumonia. B/32:
bronchitis. B/33: ulcer of stomach and duodenum. B/34: appendicitis. B/35:
intestinal obstruction and hernia. B/36: gastritis, duodenitis, enteritis, and
colitis, except diarrhæa of the newborn. B/37: cirrhosis of liver. B/38: neph-
ritis and nephrosis. B/39: hyperplasia of prostate. B/40: deliveries and compli-
cations of pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium. B/41: congenital malform-
ations. B/42: birth injuries, postnatal asphyxia and atelectasis. B/43: infect-
ions of the newbom. B/44: other diseases peculiar to early infancy, and im-
maturity unqualified.B/45: senility without mention of psychosis, ill-defined and
unknown causes. B/46: all other diseases. BN/47: fractures, head injuries, and
internal injuries. BN/48: burns. BN/49: effects of poisons. BN/50: all other
injuries. BE/47: motor vehicle accidents. BE/48: all other accidents. BE/49:
suicide and self-inflicted injury. BE/50: homicide and operations of war.
Heimildir : Mannfjöldaskýrslur Hagstofunnar og handrit í Hagstofu.