Fréttablaðið - 14.09.2016, Síða 19

Fréttablaðið - 14.09.2016, Síða 19
Adobe Creative Cloud - Svo miklu meira! Dagskrá: InDesign , hjartað í útgáfu - fyrri hluti • We are more creative away from a computer. • Getting your assets right / Planning your ideas • Import - where are my files? • How to build everything and anything easily ! • (Print brochures / Magazines / Interactive documents / and lots more) InDesign , hjartað í útgáfu - seinni hluti • Building Documents - Digital Publishing made easy • Fixed layout and Reflowing Epubs • Interactive PDF Files / Print Material • Working smarter and faster to build documents • XML Workflows to automate production • PreFlight techniques needed to ensure everything works as needed Ertu viss um að þekkja Adobe CC? - fyrri hluti • Starting from Scratch - layouts, layouts and more layouts (made easy) • Eleven Tricks That Will Help Your Workflow in InDesign • Smart Objects just got smarter (Photoshop / Illustrator with InDesign) Ertu viss um að þekkja Adobe CC? - seinni hluti • Design Once Publish to Many / Advanced Exporting features. Acrobat PDF Publishing with forms / Interactive PDF files. Möskun og retus á ljósmyndum • Removing unwanted things from your photo • Clone Stamp - Content Aware Fill - CA Move - Spot Healing • Basic portrait retouching • Adjusting Colour in Lightroom, Adobe Camera Raw and Photoshop Hvernig þráðlaus tæki eru að verða nýja skjáborðið • Libraries • Adobe Capture • Lightroom Mobile • Photoshop Fix • Photoshop Mix • How they can become a part of the photographer’s workflow „Í bíóinu”- Vídeó í stafrænni ljósmyndun - fyrri hluti • Creating a Panorama • Creating a cinematic look to your images • Using Text on your image • Using Photoshop Shapes “Í bíóinu”- Vídeó í stafrænni ljósmyndun - seinni hluti • Taking frames from a video. • Adding Texture, smoke, fire and dust to add atmosphere • Using Colour Look Up Tables • Colour grading • Creating a Colour Look Up Table Ná tökum á Creative Cloud fyrir vídeóvinnslu • Complete overview of video workflow in Adobe Creative Cloud • Pancaking the Premiere Pro timeline • How to review media fast • Important new features in the latest 2 updates of Premiere Pro • Sharing Premiere Pro projects • Customising the Premiere Pro timeline • Introducing Adobe Capture for Video workflows Dýpri skilningur á samhengi milli vídeó og effekta • Understanding the Premiere Pro & After Effects relationship in more detail • Managing media with Adobe Prelude • Incorporating Photoshop into your graphics workflow – some wise geek tips. • After Effects Text Templates in Premiere Pro • Speed trimming with JKL • Visual finishing with the Premiere Pro Lumetri Panel • A deeper dive into audio clean up in Adobe Audition • Advanced export workflows - The Media Encoder extra options. • Multi-camera editing made simple • Advanced Premiere Pro editing techniques for speed and editing elegance • The Proxy editing workflow • Keyboard shortcuts for speed editing Grunnatriði við klippingu á vídeó, á réttan máta • Creating Projects in Premiere Pro and After Effects • Video Media Management essentials for Video • Archieving a “Ken Burns” effect in Premiere Pro • Quick audio fixes with Adobe Audition • Easy animated titles in After Effects • The easy edit - how to edit video and clean up audio made easy • Understanding the Track Matte Key • Exporting video for the web Falleg útkoma í vídeóvinnslu á einfaldan máta • The fast colour fixes - improving visuals in Premiere Pro • Understanding Chromakey and Lumakey • Adjustment layers • Animating motion graphics and video clips • Nesting sequences for advanced project workflows • What is RGB and YUV and whey are they important • Premiere Pro visual effects worth knowing • The Adobe clip to Premiere Pro workflow - start small and end pro • Upoading videos to social media Kynning á Adobe Muse / Undirbúningur hönnunar • What is Muse • Interface • Tools • Planing a website • Master pages • Concepts - layer structure - header - fooder and more Uppsetning efnis (responsive) í Muse vefsíðu • Home page and sub-pages • Importing images from Photoshop / Illustrator • Built-in widgets (menus, compositions, panels, etc) • Adding Scroll Effects • Working with CC Libraries, Typekit and Stock • Alternative layout option (Adaptive design) • Creating and distributing reusable assets (time permitting) Adobe Muse - SEO og Publishing möguleikar • Search engine optimisation • Publishing the website • Business Catalyst • 3rd party • Export to HTML • In-browser editing • Extending Muse with 3rd Party widgets • Miscellaneous tips (time permitting) Notkun annars Adobe hugbúnaðar með Muse • Using mobile apps (Capture and Comp) • CC libraries • Adobe Stock 09 :0 0- 12 :0 0 Prent- og rafræn útgáfa Ljósmyndun Vídeóvinnsla Vefhönnun Föstudaginn 16. september 13 :3 0- 16 :3 0 Laugardaginn 17. september 09 :0 0- 12 :0 0 13 :3 0- 16 :3 0 Adobe námstefna, Grand Hótel Reykjavík, föstudaginn 16. og laugardaginn 17. september Allir fyrirlestrar fara fram á ensku. Lýsing á efnistökum er því ekki þýdd hér. Nánari upplýsingar um dagskrá og skráning er á heimasíðu okkar: og á 1 4 -0 9 -2 0 1 6 0 3 :4 4 F B 0 4 8 s _ P 0 3 1 K .p 1 .p d f F B 0 4 8 s _ P 0 3 0 K .p 1 .p d f F B 0 4 8 s _ P 0 1 8 K .p 1 .p d f F B 0 4 8 s _ P 0 1 9 K .p 1 .p d f A u to m a tio n P la te re m a k e : 1 A 8 F -D 9 4 C 1 A 8 F -D 8 1 0 1 A 8 F -D 6 D 4 1 A 8 F -D 5 9 8 2 7 5 X 4 0 0 .0 0 1 6 B F B 0 4 8 s _ 1 3 _ 9 _ 2 0 1 6 C M Y K



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