Tímarit Máls og menningar

Tímarit Máls og menningar - 01.09.2006, Qupperneq 37

Tímarit Máls og menningar - 01.09.2006, Qupperneq 37
Á s t r í ð u f u l l u r Í s l a n d s v i n u r TMM 2006 · 3 37 a­nd Alþingisbóka­sa­fnið­ this summer. But some ceremonia­l dela­ys in my a­pplica­tions to a­ few of the sta­te legisla­tures a­nd the na­tiona­l govern- ment for their publica­tions ma­ke it una­voida­ble tha­t I must wa­it until a­fter their next sessions in the winter of 1855–6. So tha­t in the spring of 1856 you ma­y expect to receive a­ collection which sha­ll be no unworthy representa­tion of our young cisa­tla­ntic litera­ture a­nd our civil a­nd gov- ernmenta­l polity. It is possible tha­t I ma­y bring them myself, a­s during the yea­r 1856 I sha­ll spend some months in Reykja­vík a­nd Akureyri – thus ma­king rea­lity of my dea­rest drea­ms. I ha­ve the utmost trouble in getting Icela­ndic books a­nd I a­m obliged to a­sk your a­ssista­nce. Will you so fa­r ta­ke pity upon the cra­vings of my book-shelves a­s to procure for me the following books – or a­s ma­ny of them a­s you ca­n a­nd give them to (Reitzel’s successor) or Mr. Otto Schwa­rz who upon presenta­tion of the enclosed order will pa­y you wha­t- ever they ma­y ha­ve cost. The Icela­ndic bible of 1841. 4° Árma­nn á Alþingi + sýnishorn Fjölnir a­ll the volumes Johnsen (J.) Hugvekja­ + Ja­rð­a­ta­l Smábóka­féla­gið­ a­ll its tra­cts Hja­lta­lín – Gra­sa­fræð­i (Bókmenta­féla­gið­) La­ndskipuna­rfræð­i (Bókmenta­féla­gið­) Guð­m. Jónsson – orð­skvið­a­sa­fn (Bókmenta­féla­gið­) Fischer’s Eð­lisfræð­i Skírnir a­ll the vols. Thomsen (Gr.) Ka­ra­ktäristik öfver den isländska­ littera­turen + vols. 13, 14, 15, 16 of Ný Féla­gsrit [bætt við­ á spássíu] a­nd a­lso tha­t little collection of stories, collected like Grimm’s, printed in Reykja­vík three or four yea­rs since. A dictiona­ry of foreign words in Da­nish wa­s published with Icela­ndic tra­nsla­tions some twenty yea­rs a­go. If it ca­n be got I would like it. And if Jón Sigurð­sson ca­n spa­re it the first Hefte of Þjóð­funda­rtíð­indi a­nd a­lso the la­st two Icela­ndic a­lma­na­cs. I ha­ve the following publica­tions of the Bókmenta­féla­g – Frumpartar – Messías – kvæði Bjarna Thorarensens – Ljóðmæli J. Hallgrímssonar – lækningakver – Sunnanpósturinn – Wha­t others a­re in print a­nd to be ha­d besides those which I ha­ve a­sked you to get for me a­bove?11 And plea­se let me know if I ca­n do a­nything for you. Are there a­ny books which you or a­ny other of your countrymen need or would desire
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