Ferðavenjur Íslendinga - 01.02.1998, Side 5

Ferðavenjur Íslendinga - 01.02.1998, Side 5
Formáli í ritinu Ferðavenjuríslendinga 1996 eru birtar niðurstöður úr könnun Hagstofu Islands á ferðavenjum íslendinga árið 1996. Hag-stofan hefur ekki gert þess háttar könnun áður og erþettaþvífyrstaritiðumþettaefni. Könnunin varframkvæmd í þremur áföngum. Haft var samband símleiðis við 1.200 einstaklinga í hvert sinn og þeir inntir eftir ferðalögum sínum mánuðina á undan. Niðurstöðumar eru birtar í stuttum yfirlitum, myndum og töflum. Markmiðið með könnun Hagstofunnar á ferðavenjum íslendinga var að afla haldbærra gagna um ferðalög lands- manna, bæði skemmti- og viðskiptaferðir, svo fremi þeir gisti a.m.k eina nótt fjarri heimili sínu. Upplýsingamar munu nýtast til skipulagningar á ferðaþjónustu og koma auk þess öðmm aðilum sem tengjast henni óbeint til góða svo sem verslunar- og þjónustugreinum. Þá ætti þekking á ferða- venjum ekki síður að nýtast við skipulagningu samgöngumála. Upplýsingar um ferðavenjur íslendinga, t.d. hvort þeir ferðist meira innanlands eða til útlanda, hvaða farartæki þeir nota, hvar þeir gista o.fl., hafa verið takmarkaðar. Oft er þó falast eftir slíkum upplýsingum. Ferðavenjukönnun þessi er framkvæmd í samvinnu við aðildarlönd Evrópska efnahagssvæðisins en þar fara nú fram sambærilegar kannanir. Um undirbúning og íramkvæmd könnunarinnar sáu Ómar S. Harðarson, Láms Blöndal, Ólafur Valdimarsson og Rut Jónsdóttir. Spyrlar vom 21. Urvinnsla var í höndum Rutar Jónsdóttur sem jafnframt hafði umsjón með gerð þessa rits. Sigurborg Steingnmsdóttir annaðist umbrot. í febrúar 1998 Hallgrímur Snorrason hagstofustjóri Preface The publication Icelandic Tourism Patterns 1996 presents the results of a survey conducted by Statistics Iceland to investigate tourism pattems among the Icelandic people in 1996. This is the first time Statistics Iceland has performed a survey of this kind and this publication is therefore the first work on the subject to appear in Iceland. The survey was conducted in three separate stages, each involving 1,200 persons who were contacted by telephone and questioned about any trips they had taken in the preceding months. The results are presented in short summaries, figures and tables. The aim of making this survey on the tourism pattems of Icelanders was to obtain reliable information on Icelandic tourists, travelling for both business and pleasure, provided they spent at least one night away from their usual environ- ment. This information will be utilized in planning the tourist industry and will indirectly be of benefit also to those who are associated with tourism in some way, such as trade and service industries. Furthermore, a sound knowledge of the nation’s tourism pattems will without doubt be useful in the planning of the transport system of the country. Limited information has been available until now on the travel pattems of Icelandic tourists, for instance whether they prefer taking domestic or outbound trips, what means of transport they use, what kind of accommodation they prefer, etc. Attempts to obtain this kind of information, however, have frequently been made. The present survey is conducted in cooperation with mem- ber states of the European Economic Area where similar surveys are being carried out. The preparation and execution of the survey was in the hands of Ómar S. Harðarson, Lárus Blöndal, Ólafur Valdimarsson and Rut Jónsdóttir, assisted by 21 interview- ers. Rut Jónsdóttir was responsible for processing the data and preparing this report while the lay-out was in the hands of Sigurborg Steingrímsdóttir. Statistics Iceland, Febmary 1998 Hallgrímur Snorrason


Ferðavenjur Íslendinga

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