Hinsegin dagar í Reykjavík - Aug 2018, Page 18

Hinsegin dagar í Reykjavík - Aug 2018, Page 18
Functioning alcoh olic who used to have a dad bod and now just has whatever is b eyond dad bod. Spooning he lps us forget we a re dead inside. Comedian Ingleburn Univers ity 11 km away I WOULDN’T DATE ME EITHER VIÐBURÐUR / EVENTS I WOULDN‘T DATE ME EITHER Tjarnarbíói, Tjarnargötu 12, miðvikudaginn 8. ágúst kl. 21:00. Aðgangseyrir: 2.000 kr. Pride-passi gildir. Tjarnarbíó, Tjarnargata 12, Wednesday 8 August at 9:00 p.m. Admission: 2.000 ISK. Pride Pass valid. RITTEN & PERFORMED BY JONATHAN DUFFY Jonathan Duffy stendur fyrir einlægu uppistandi um erfiðleikana sem geta fylgt því að vera einhleypur. Hvernig er stefnumótaheimurinn? Hverjar eru reglurnar? Jonathan Duffy eyddi þremur árum í að reyna að læra inn á þetta allt saman og ætlar að deila mislukkulegum reynslusögum þegar kemur að heimi stefnumóta og skyndikynna. Viðburðurinn fer fram á ensku. Imagine if you suddenly found yourself single and the last time your were in that situation the iPhone didn't exist. Jono Duffy experienced exactly that in 2015. Like a mole woman emerging from an underground cellar, he spent almost three years learning how dating works in a technological world where the rules aren’t clear, the market is oversaturated and the chlamydia is rampant. In “I wouldn’t date me either” this Australian born, Iceland based comedian will share his experiences, dating disasters and sexual mishaps from his journey to discovering the title of a song Taylor Swift should write, “Maybe I'm the problem.” Event in English. 18


Hinsegin dagar í Reykjavík

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