Upp í vindinn - 01.05.2018, Blaðsíða 63

Upp í vindinn - 01.05.2018, Blaðsíða 63
ningar þarf að meta m.t.t. heildaráhættu og í stærri skala en gert er með kröfum um almennan yfirborðsflokk klæðninga. Gera þarf mismunandi kröfur til frágangs á hæðarskilum og efnisvals eftir aðstæðum hverju sinni, þannig að áhættan sé ávallt ásættanleg. í mörgum tilvikum þurfa prófanir í stórum skala að liggja til grundvallar vali á klæðningum. I dag er tækni og þekking til staðar til að meta hættuna sem fylgir brennanlegum klæðningum, m.a. með því að greina eldútbreiðslu í brennanlegum klæðningum. Notkun sérhæfðra líkana og bruna- tæknilegra greininga tryggir bæði sveigjanleika í hönnun og skýra mynd af því öryggi sem er til staðar. [1] Byggingarreglugerð :nr. 112/2012. Umhverfísráðuneytið. [2] ÍSTEN 13501-1:2007+ A1:2009 Fire classification of construction products and building elements - Part 1: Classifícation using test data from reaotion to fíre tests.. [3] NFPA 285 Standard Fire Test Method for Evaluation ofFire Propagation Characteristics ofExterior Non-Load-Bearing Wall Assemblies Containing Combustible Components. National Fire Protection Association, 2012. [4] M. Keller, „Dealing with NFPA 285. Standard Fire Test Method for Exterior Non-load-bearing Wall Assemblies Containing Combustible Components.". [5] IS013784-1:2014. Reaction to fíre test for sandwich panel building systems — Part I: Small room test. International Organization for Standardization, 2014. [6] IS013784-2:2002. Reaction-to-fire tests forsandwich panel building systems — Part 2: Test method for large rooms. International Organization for Standardization, 2002. [7] „Sandwich panel fíre tests I lf“. [Rafrænt]. Aðgengilegt á: https://www.if-insurance.com/large-enterprises/service- concept/risk-management-services/sandwich-panel-fire- test. [Sótt: ll-apr-2018]. [8] „Lamatherm, by Siderise", VIVALDA. [Rafrænt]. Aðgengilegt á: http://www.vivalda.co.uk/products/frame-fixings/cavity- fíre-barriers-lamaterm/. [Sótt: 09-apr-20l8]. [9] ÍSTEN 13501-5:2005 + AL2009 Fire ciassification of construction products and building elements - Part 5: Classification using test data from external fíre exposure to roofs tests.. 63 [10] ÍSTEN 13501-2:2007 +A1:2009Fire classifíoation of construction produots and building elements - Part 2: Classification using data from fíre resistance tests, excluding ventilation services.. [11] R. J. Crewe o.fl., „Fire Performance ofSandwich Panels in a Modified IS013784-1 Small Room Test: The Influence of Increased Fire Load forDifferent Insulation Materials", Fire Technol., bls. 1-34, apr. 2018. [12] Fire Dynamics Simulator (FDS) Version 5. A computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model offíre-driven fluid flow. National Institute ofStandards and Technology. [13] „Electrical fault caused The Address Downtown Dubai hotel fire“, The National. [Rafrænt]. Aðgengilegt á: https://www. thenational.ae/uae/electrical-fault-caused-the-address- downtown-dubai-hotel-fire-1.201694. [Sótt: 09-apr-2018]. [14] „KPMG resigns from Grenfell Towerinquiry afterbacklash". [Rafrænt]. Aðgengilegt á: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/ business/20l8/01/07/kpmg-grenfell-inquiry-backlash/. [Sótt: 09-apr-20l8]. [15] „Istanbul hospital fíre: Pictures showHUGE fíre engulf building I Daily Star“. [Rafræntl Aðgengilegt á: https://www. dailystar.co.uk/news/latest-news/694012/turkey-hospital- fíre-istanbul-evacuated-news-rescue-fírefíghters. [Sótt: 09-apr-2018]. Brennanlegar utanhussklæðningar
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