Uppeldi og menntun - 01.01.2004, Síða 26

Uppeldi og menntun - 01.01.2004, Síða 26
UPPELDISHÆTTIR FORELDRA OG SJÁLFSÁLIT ABSTRACT The relationship between adolescent perceived parenting styles and their self-esteem was examined at the age of 14 (concurrently), and again at the age of 21 (longitudinally). The data is from a large longitudinal study on adolescent risk behaviour. The participants in the study were 485 (60% girls). The parenting styles were grouped into four categories: 1) autonomy and high involvement, 2) autonomy and low involvement, 3) psychological control and high involvement, 4) psychological control and low involvement. After controlling for participants' gender and tempera- ment, results indicated that adolescents who considered themselves raised by autonomy and involvement (no.l), at the age of 14 had the highest self-esteem at that age. In contrast, adolescents who considered themselves raised by psychological control and low involvement (no. 4) seemed to have the lowest self-esteem. Also, parenting styles at age 14 predicted the young peopie's self-esteem at age 21. Adolescents who considered themselves raised by autonomy at the age of 14, had the highest self-esteem at the age of 21, regardless of whether they experienced high or low involvement. In contrast, adolescents who considered themselves raised by psychological control at the age of 14, had the lowest self-esteem at the age of 21, regardless of whether they experienced high or low involvement. Furthermore, 14 year-old girls had lower self-esteem than the boys. At the age of 21, however, there was no gender difference in self-esteem. Finally, the girls' self-esteem became more positive from the age of 14 to 21, but the boys' self-esteem appeared at a similar level during the same period. Sigrún Aðalbjarnardóttir er prófessor í uppeldis- og menntunarfræði við félagsvísindadeild Háskóla Islands Kristín Lilja Garðarsdóttir M.A. er aðstoðarmaður við rannsóknir 24 1
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