

Ljósmæðrablaðið - 01.04.1995, Side 30

Ljósmæðrablaðið - 01.04.1995, Side 30
Samstarj Ijósmœðra /Midi^ifery Hér að neðan er kynning á nýstárlegri hugmynd um samstarf ljósmæðra um heim allan. Um er að ræða: útgáfustarfssemi með greinum, fréttum, reynslusögum og viðhorfum ljósmæðra víðsvegar að, sem og möguleikum á að finna pennavin í heimshluta sem lesandinn hefur áhuga á; ferðamöguleika í einskonar “skiptinema”- kerfi; upplýsingar unt tengiaðila og atvinnumöguleika í öðrum löndum, og margt fleira. Við birtum hér auglýsinguna í heild sinni eins og hún barst oklcur, á ensku. Eyðublaðið sem vitnað er til liggur á skrifstofu LMFI og má nálgast það þar. Midwifery Today is pleased to announce this new network. It is designed to help birth practi- tioners network, share information, travel, teach and grow. It is for midwives, childbirth edur- cators and other birth practitioners who are interested in promoting the midwifery model of childbirth around the globe. A major benefit of this exchange network will be a newsletter for articles, news and views with an international scope. In addition, we will be compiling information in a worldwide directo- ry. This directory will help you find a pen pal, meet other midwives in your area, establish backup for your practice, help you find contacts in other countries you might be traveling to, help you find connections if you are interested in working in other countries, and much more. Some of the exciting possibilities for networking might include: spending the night with a mid- wife in Oregon; visiting the offices of Midwifery Today; working with a Mexican partera for two months; visiting Ina May Gaskin at The Farm; volunteering in Africa and working with traditional birth attendants.... Only your imagination and enthusiasm will limit this directory and its possibilities! If you want to be part of this International Midwives’ Exchange Network, be sure to fill out the form on the back of this letter and return it to us. The directory will be published annually and will be sent of member who belong to the network. Members will also receive newsletters full of valuable, helpful information and articles. Directories may also be purchased annually if you are not a member. If you decide to become a part of the directory, please, be committed to letting us know if your address or phone number changes or if you want to be deleted from the next directory. That way we can provide current information to everyone. We hope this will faciliate a lot of great relationships. Thank you for being a part of it. Love, Jan Tritten, editor. 28 LJÓSMÆÐRABLAÐIÐ



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