Lögberg - 28.07.1955, Page 17

Lögberg - 28.07.1955, Page 17
Phone 74-1304 Gordon's Confectionery 741 SARGENT AVE. Modern Soda Fountain Filmi - Novellies - Soíl Drinks Phone 74-1304 Gordon#s Confectionery 741 SARGENT AVE. Modern Soda Fountain Films - Novelties - Soft Drinks LÖGBERG, FIMMTUDAGINN 28. JÚLI 1955 17 The Agricultural Scene By REG TAYLOR The article below outlining the possibilities from the use of fertilizer is from the Saskatchewan Star Phoenix of April 29, 1955. To have advocated the elimination of the summer- fallow operation on farm land in any year would have seemed like heresy a little "'vhiie ago, but soil scientists are veering to the belief that farmers could more profitably carry out continuous cropping ln areas with no moisture Problems, and with restric- úons to summerfallowing in °ther districts. Every farmer seeks to increase his pro- ^uction, and obviously should have a better chance to do so 'f the whole of his land was hnder crop instead of two- thirds, with one third lying fallow. Experience has shown that this is possible only if he uses both phosphate and nitrogen fertilizer on stubble land that was in crop the previous year. If he uses no fertilizer he will get over the years the same average crop from the whole acreage as he will from two-thirds with the other third fallow. A rotation of wheat, wheat, summerfallow has been a long established practice on many Saskatchewan farms, something like a habit. Soil scientists now question whether this habit should be carried on under certain con- ditions and have come to the conclusion that a farmer should not carry out the sum- merfallow operation unless he has to. They lay down two re- quisites if a farmer is to eliminate summerfallowing any year — adequate mois- ture reserves in the stubble (30 inches of moist soil) and no problem with weeds that could not be killed with chemicals. Wild oats would come in the latter category. This would seem a good year for any farmer without a wild oat problem to forget sum- merfallowing and put all his cultivated land in crop. There is about twice as much mois- ture in stubble land now as considered adequate. Tha summerfallow operation is to conserve moisture for the next year’s crop in usually one-third of the cultivated acreage. If there is even average precipitation during the growing season to add to the more than adequate mois- ture at the start, would it not be a waste of time and money to summerfallow land that could produce a crop without using up all reserves? * * * Soil scientist state that con- tinuous cropping could be car- ried on particularly in north east Saskatchewan where there is no moisture problem, with the use of both nitrogen and phosphate fertilizers. This could be done with wheat, but a more ideal situation would be to have a continuous crop rotation including grasses and legumes as well as cereals, for livestock pro- HAMINGJUÓSKIR til Islendinga í tilefni af 66. þjóðminningardegi þeirra á Gimli, Man., 1. ágúst 1955. that’s budget-wise...«si E31E0ÍL automatic heat SARGENT HEATING and EquipmentLfd. 623 Sargenl Avenue, WINNIPEG SUnset 3-1008 duction. Wild oats are better controlled with a rotation in- cluding grasses and legumes. In other more arid sections of the province the soil scientists visualize farmers deciding each year by check- ing the reserves of moisture in the stubble, whether they will eliminate the summer- fallowing operation on one third of the land, or not. * * * In this column some weeks ago we mentioned a combina- tion of nitrogen and phos- phate fertilizer which would cost $7 to $8 per acre to apply and questioned whether farm- ers would take a chance on such a move which meant they had to get a five-bushel per acre wheat increase be- fore they even got their in- vestment back. The phosphate fertilizer mostly used in the province is 11-48-0, that is, 11 parts nitrogen to 48 parts phos- phates and no potash. In the areas where more nitrogen was needed and to keep the cost within bounds for the average farmer, the depart- ment of soil science at the University of Saskatchewan had recommended the use of a 16-20-0 fertilizer at the rate of 75 to 100 pounds per acre. The cost would be close to $5 per acre. Instead of a ratio of one to four, nitrogen to phos- phates, the ratio was four to five in the latter recom- mendation. Because of the toxic nature of the nitrogen fertilizer, soil scientists do not recommend a higher rate than 16-20-0 at 75 to 100 pounds per acre at seeding, for fear of injuring the seed. Any additional nitrogen fer- tilizer, if the farmer is going Með innilegum kveðjum í tilefni af íslendingadeginum 1. ágúst, 1955 jrá litla en ábyggilega bakaríinu ALDO'S BAKERY 613 SARGENT AVE. PHONE 74-4843 WINNIPEG CONGRATULATIONS to the lcelandic People on the Occasion of the óóth Anniversary of their Annual Celebration Day at Gimli, August Ist, 1955. TOWN OF S E L K I R K Conlinued on Page 18 HAMINGJUÓSKIR til íslendinga í tilefni af 66. þjóðminningardegi þeirra á Gimli, Man., 1. ágúst 1955 LELAND HOTEL J. DANGERFIELD, Proprietor WINNIPEG MANITOBA



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