Tölvumál - 01.07.2001, Page 35

Tölvumál - 01.07.2001, Page 35
Frá Orðanefnd Orðalisti Access Control List, ACL aðgangslisti application service provider, ASP kerfisleigufyrirtœki authenticate sannvotta authentication sannvottun business process viðskiptaferli calendar web service dagatalsvefþjónust click smella core component grunneining customization aðhæfing customize aðhæfa customized solution aðliœfð lausn data privacy gagnaleynd direct sequence spread spectrum rófbreikkuð samfellusending Disallowed Address List, DAL bannlisti e-mail web service tölvupóstvefþjónusta fabrication uppspuni fat client þungbiðlari fax símabréf firewall netvöm, netvörður frequency hopping spread spectrum rófbreikkuð stökksending hotspot netvangur hub nöf implement nothæfa implementation nothœfing information appliance boðtól infrastructure stoðkerfi insourcing endurvistun integrity réttleiki interception hlerun interface skil Internet lýðnet interruption rof mobile computing, portable computing fartölvuvinnsla, farvinnsla modification laumubreyting outsourcing (kaupandi) úthýsing, útvistun outsourcing (seljandi) hýsing, vistun palmtop computer, palmtop lófatölva private key einkalykill, leynilykill public key dreifilykill, reiðulykill seamless roaming reiki shared key samnotalykill spread spectrum modulation mótun með rófbreikkun thin client léttbiðlari verification sannprófun verify sannprófa virus veira web service vefþjónusta Tölvumál 35



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