Dagblaðið Vísir - DV - 06.11.1998, Síða 22

Dagblaðið Vísir - DV - 06.11.1998, Síða 22
sunnudagur 8. nóvember 1998 09.00 Morgunsjónvarp barnanna. 10.40 Hlé. 13.20 Markaregn. Sýndar verða svipmyndir úr leikjum (þýsku knattspymunni. 14.20 Rainer Fetting f Kaupmannahöfn (Rainer Fetting i Köbenhavn). 14.50 Prjúbíó. Fjölskyldan fer (frí (Sunes familie). Dönsk fjöl- skyldumynd. 16.20 Djasskvöld með Clint. Upptaka frá djasstónleikum sem Clint Eastwood stóð fyrir í október 1996. 17.50 Táknmálsfréttir. 18.00 Stundin okkar. 18.30 Guil og grænir skógar (1:3). 19.00 Geimferðin (16:52). 19.50 Ljóð vikunnar. 20.00 Fréttir, íþróttir og veður. 20.40 Sunnudagsleikhúsið Svannasöngur (1:3). Fyrsti þátt- ur af þremur eftir Hlín Agnarsdóttur um framkvæmda- stjóra fjármálasviðs Dreifbýlisstofnunar, og konurnar i lífi hans. Leikstjóri Viðar Víkingsson. Leikendur: Pálmi Gestsson, Rósa Guðný Þórsdóttir, Steinunn Ólína Þor- steinsdóttir og Elva Ósk Ólafsdóttir. Textað á síðu 888 ( Textavarpi. 21.10 Að byggja land (1:3). Brautryðjandinn. Hér er fjallað um Jón Sigurðsson og honum lýst sem einörðum málsvara frjálsra viðskipta og erlendra fjárfestinga á fslandi. 21.50 Helgarsportið. 22.15 Dans í takt við tímann (4:4) (A Dance to the Music of Time). 23.55 Ljóð vikunnar. 24.00 Útvarpsfréttir. 0.10 Skjáleikurinn. SJÓNVARPIÐ 09.00 í erilborg. 09.20 Köttur út’ í mýri. 09.45 Tímon, Púmba og félagar. 10.05 Andrés Önd og genglð. 10.25 Urmull. 10.50 Nancy (7:13). 11.10 Húsið á sléttunni. 12.45 Sjónvarpsmarkaðurinn. 13.00 íþróttir á sunnudegi. 16.00 DHL deildin f körfubolta. Bein útsending frá leik Grinda- víkur og Tindastóls. 17.25 Rýnlrinn (19:23) (TheCritic). 17.55 Fornbókabúðin (6:8) (e). 18.30 Glæstar vonir (Bold and the beautiful). 19.00 19>20. 20.05 Ástir og átök (13:25) (Mad About You). 20.40 Heima (6:12). Gestgjafi Sigmundar Ernis er Victor Sveinsson. 21.15 Mlkjáll (Michael). Þegar fréttist að Mikjáll erkiengill hafi skotið upp kollinum í lowa verður blaöamaðurinn Frank Quinlan strax sannfærður um að þarna sé komið for- síðuefni og skyldi engan undra! Hann fer ásamt öðrum blaðamanni og konu sem er sérfróð um engla til að skoða fyrirbæriö. Aðalhlutverk: John Travolta, Andie Macdowell, William Hurt og Bob Hoskins. Leikstjóri: Nora Ephron.1996. 23.00 60 mínútur. 23.50 Rósahöllln (e) (Roseland). Hugljúf mynd um fólk á ólíkum aldri með margs konar bakgrunn sem á það allt sameiginlegt að dá „Roseland" sem er frægur danssalur ( New York. Aðalhlutverk: Geraldine Chaplin, Teresa Wright og Lou Jacobi. Leikstjóri: James lvory.1977. Bönnuð börn- um. 01.30 Dagskrárlok. 17.55 18.50 19.25 21.15 21.35 22.30 23.15 0.55 Skjáleikur. 14.45 Enski boltinn. Bein útsending frá leik Manchester United og Newcastle United. 16.55 Enski boltinn (FA Collection). Svipmyndir úr ensku bikar- keppninni. Ameríski fótboltinn (NFL1998/1999). 19. holan (22:29). Öðruvísi þáttur þar sem farið er yfir mörg af helstu atriðum hinnar göfugu golf(þróttar. ítalski boltinn. Bein útsending frá leik AC Milan og Inter í ítölsku 1. deildinni. ítölsku mörkin. Golfmót í Bandaríkjunum (PGA US 1998). Ráðgátur (1:48). Mælirinn fullur (Dirty Weekend). Spennumynd hlaðin kolsvartri kímni. Bella flytur úr stórborginni í litið sjávar- þorp eftir að hata komið að kærastanum sinum í rúminu með annarri konu. Par verður hún fyrir áreitni símadóna sem býr I nágrenninu. Þegar ekki verður lát á hringingun- um er Bellu nóg boðið og hún myrðir manninn. Þetta er aðeins upphafið að hreinsunarátaki hennar þvi hún ætl- ar tyðja fleiri dónum úr vegi. Aðalhlutverk: Lia Williams, David McCallum, Rufus Sewell og Sylvia Syms.1993. Stranglega bönnuð börnum. Dagskrárlok og skjáleikur. 06.00 t D.A.R.Y.L. 1985. 0 08.00 *** Hamskipti (Vice Versa). 1988. 10.00 k-A- Brennandi sól (Race The Sun). 1996. 12.00 Orðlaus (Speechless). 1994. 14.00 ' Rob Roy. 1995. 16.20 Hamskipti. 18.00 i Veislan mín (It’s My Party). 1996. Bönnuð börnum. 20.00 Orðlaus. 22.00 Rob Roy. 00.20 Brennandi sói. 02.00 D.A.R.Y.L. 04.00 Veislan mín. mlkffátt? Íj, 20.35 Kenny Everett. 21.10 Allt í hers höndum. 21.45 Dýrln mín stór & smá. 23:00 Steypt af stóll (e). 3. þáttur. VH-1 6.00TheVh1 Legends 9.00 Pop-up Video 9.30 Pop-upVideo-TheLegends 10.00 Something for the Weekend 12.00 Ten of the Best: Paul McCartney 13.00 Greatest Hits Of...: The Legends 13.30 Pop-up Video 14.00 The Clare Grogan Show 15.00 Paul McCartne/s Town Hall Meeting 16.30 Vh1 to 1 Paul Mccartney 17.00 The Vh1 Legends 19.00 Storytellers - Ringo Starr 20.00 The VH1 Album Chart Show 21.00 The Kate & Jono Show 22.00 Rod Stewart Unplugged 23.00 Pop-up Video 23.30 Vh1 to 1: Jerry Lee Lewis 0.00 Soul Vibration 1.00 Greatest Hits Of....Lionel Richie 2.00 Ub40 Uncut 3.00 How Was It for You - Steve Davis 4.00 Stevie Wonder at the Beatclub 5.30 VH1 Late Shift Travel 12.00 Dominika's Planet 12.30 Around Britain 13.00 On Tour 13.30 The Flavours of Italy 14.00 Origins With Burt Wolf 14.30 Travelling Lite 15.00 Destinations 16.00 Grainger’s World 17.00 Dominika’s Planet 17.30 Go 2 18.00 The Flavours of Italy 18.30 Travelling Lite 19.00 Going Places 20.00 Caprice’s Travels 20.30 Holiday Maker 21.00 Travel Live - Stop the Week 22.00 The Flavours of France 22.30 On Tour 23.00 Secrets of India 23.30 Reel World 0.00 Closedown Eurosport 7.30 Sports Can FIA GT Championship 8.30 Four Wheels Drive: Season Review 9.00 Truck Sports: ‘98 Europa Truck Trial 10.00 Tractor Pulling: German Championships in Erkelenz-Holzweiler, Germany 11.00 Car Radng: Open Fortuna by Nissan in Valencia, Spain 11.45 Motorcycling: Spanish Championship in Catalunya 13.00 Car Racing: Open Fortuna by Nissan in Valencia, Spain 13.45 Motorcycling: World Championship 15.45 Trickshot: World Championship in Antwerp, Belgium 17.40 NASCAR: Winston Cup Series in Atlanta, Georgia, USA 21.30 Tennis: ATP Tour - Mercedes Super 9 Toumament in Paris, France 23.30 Boxing 0.30Close Hallmark 7.30 Anne of Green Gables 9.20 The Big Game 11.00 Reason for Living: The Jill Ireland Story 12.30 Meet John Doe 14.35 Children in the Crossfire 16.15 Laura Lansing Slept Here 18.00 l’ll Never Get To Heaven 19.35 The Irish R:M: - Deel 6 20.30 A Child's Cry for Help 22.00 Dadah Is Death - Deel 1 23.30 Reason for Living: The Jill Ireland Story 1.00 Meet John Doe 3.05 Children in the Crossfire 4.45 Laura Lansing Slept Here Cartoon Network 5.00 Omer and the Starchild 5.30 Ivanhoe 6.00 The Fruitties 6.30 Thomas the Tank Engine 6.45 The Magic Roundabout 7.00 Blinky Bill 7.30 Tabaluga 8.00 Johnny Bravo 8.30 Animaniacs 9.00 Dexter’s Laboratory 10.00 Cow and Chicken 10.30 I am Weasel 11.00 Beetlejuice 11.30 Tom and Jerry 12.00 The Flintstones 12.30 The Bugs and Daffy Show 12.45 Popeye 13.00 Road Runner 13.15 Sytvester and Tweety 13.30 What a Cartoon! 14.00 Taz-Mania 14.30 Droopy: Master Detective 15.00 The Addams Family 15.3013 Ghosts of Scooby Doo 16.00 The Mask 16.30 Dexter's Laboratory 17.00 Cow and Chicken 17.30 Animaniacs 18.00 Tom and Jerry 18.30 The Flintstones 19.00 Batman 19.30 2 Stupid Dogs 20.00 The Real Adventures of Jonny Quest 20.30 Swat Kats 21.00 Johnny Bravo 21.30 Dexter’s Laboratory 22.00 Cow and Chicken 22.30 Wait Till Your Father Gets Home 23.00 The Flintstones 23.30 Scooby Doo - Where are You? 0.00 Top Cat 0.30 Help! It's the Hair Bear Bunch 1.00 Hong Kong Phooey 1.30 Perils of Penelope Pitstop 2.00 Ivanhoe 2.30 Omer and the Starchild 3.00 Blinky Bill 3.30 The Fruitties 4.00 Ivanhoe 4.30 Tabaluga BBC Prime 5.00 TLZ - Orsanmichele 6.00 BBC World News 6.20 Prime Weather 6.30 Wham! Bam! Strawberry Jam! 6.45 Forget-Me-Not Farm 7.00 Melvin & Maureen 7.15 It’ll Never Work 7.40 Blue Peter 8.05 Grange Hill 8.30Outof Tune 9.00 Festival of Remembrance 10.30 The Cenotaph 12.00 Style Challenge 12.30 Ready, Steady, Cook 13.00 Wildlife 13.30 Classic EastEnders Omnibus 14.30 Porridge 15.00 Noddy 15.10 Blue Peter 15.35 Grange Hill 16.00 Bright Sparks 16.30 Top of the Pops 217.15 Antiques Roadshow 18.00 Ballykissangel 19.00 Selection Box: The Good Life 19.30 Selection Box: Some Mothers Do ‘ave ‘em 20.00 Joanna Lumley/Kingdom of The Thunder Dragon 21.00 BBC World News 21.25 Prime Weather 21.30 My Night with Reg 23.15 Songs of Praise 0.00 TLZ - What's That Noise 0.30 TLZ - Look Ahead 1.00 TLZ - Suenos Worid Spanish 2.00 TLZ - The Business Programme, 11 2.45 TLZ - Twenty Steps to Better Mgt, 5 3.00 TLZ - Building in Cells 3.30 TLZ - The Newtonians 4.00 TLZ - Eyewitness Memory 4.30 TLZ - Developing Language Dlscovery 8.00 Wings 9.00 Flightline 9.30 Coltrane’s Planes, Trains and Automobiles 10.00 Crocodile Hunter 11.00 Wilder Discoveries: Wild, Wild Reptiles 12.00 Wings 13.00 Flightline 13.30 Coltrane's Planes, Trains and Automobiles 14.00 Crocodile Hunter 15.00 Wilder Discoveries: Wild, Wild Reptiles 16.00 Wings 17.00 Flightline 17.30 Coltrane’s Planes, Trains and Automobiles 18.00 Crocodile Hunter 19.00 Wilder Discoveries: Wild, Wild Reptiles 20.00 The Unexplained 21.00 Discovery Showcase: The Great Egyptians 22.00 Discovery Showcase: The Great Egyptians 23.00 Discovery Showcase: The Great Egyptians 0.00 Science Frontiers: Cyber Warriors 1.00 Justice Files 2.00 Close MTV 5.00 Kickstart 9.00 European Top 20 10.00 MTV Europe Music Awards ‘98 Spotlight Best Pop 10.30 MTV Europe Music Awards ‘98 Spotlight 11.00 MTV Europe Music Awards ‘98 the Story so Far 12.00 MTV Europe Music Awards ‘98 Spotlight Best Female 12.30 MTV Europe MusicAwards ‘98 Spotlight Best Male 13.00 MTV Europe Music Awards ‘9715.00 Non Stop Hits 16.00 Hitfist UK 17.00 News Weekend Edition 17.30 Stylissimo! 18.00 So 90’s 19.00 Most Selected 20.00 MTV Data 20.30 Singled Out 21.00 MTV Europe Music Awards ‘95 23.00 Base 0.00 Sunday Night Music Mix 3.00 Night Videos Sky News 6.00 Sunrise 9.30 Business Week 11.00 News on the Hour 11.30 The Book Show 12.00 SKY News Today 13.00 News on the Hour 13.30 Fashion TV 14.00 News on the Hour 14.30 Showbiz Weekly 15.00 News on the Hour 15.30 Week in Review 16.00 News on the Hour 17.00 Live at Five 18.00 News on the Hour 19.30 Sportsline 20.00 News on the Hour 20.30 The Book Show 21.00 News on the Hour 21.30 Showbiz Weekly 22.00 Prime Time 23.30 Week in Review 0.00 News on the Hour 0.30 CBS Evening News 1.00NewsontheHour 1.30 ABC World News Tonight 2.00 News on the Hour 2.30 Business Week 3.00 News on the Hour 3.30 The Book Show 4.00 News on the Hour 4.30 CBS Evening News 5.00 News on the Hour 5.30 ABC World News Tonight CNN 5.00 World News 5.30 News Update / Global View 6.00 World News 6.30World Business This Week 7.00 Wortd News 7.30 World Sport 8.00 World News 8.30 World Beat 9.00 World News 9.30 News Update / The Art Club 10.00 World News 10.30 Worid Sport 11.00 World News 11.30 Earth Matters 12.00 World News 12.30 Science and Technology 13.00 News Update / World Report 13.30 World Report 14.00 Worid News 14.30 Inside Europe 15.00 World News 15.30 WorkJ Sport 16.00 Workl News 16.30 Showbiz This Weekend 17.00 Late Edition 17.30 Late Edition 18.00 World News 18.30 Business Unusual 20.00 WorkJ News 20.30 Pinnacle Europe 21.00 World News 21.30 Best of Insight 22.00 WorkJ News 22.30 Worki Sport 23.00 CNN Workl View 23.30 Style 0.00 The World Today 0.30 World Beat 1.00 World News 1.15 Asian Edition 1.30 Diplomatic License 2.00 The World Today 3.00 Newstand / CNN & Time 4.00 World News 4.30 Pinnacle Europe GEOGRAPHIC 5.00 Asia in Crisis 5.30 Countdown to Euro 6.00 Randy Morrison 7.00 Hour of Power 8.00 Asia This Week 8.30 Us Squawk Box Weekend Edition 9.00 Europe This Week 9.30 Directions 10.00 Time & Again 11.00 Jerusalem: Within These Walls 12.00 Zongman and the Cormorant's Egg 12.30 Clan of the Crocodile 13.00 Extreme Earth: Cyclone! 14.00 Windbom: a Joumey into Flight 15.00 Australia's Aborigines 16.00 Predators: Alligator 17.00 Jerusalem: W'ithin These Walls 18.00 Treasure Hunt: Titanic 19.00 Treasure Hunt: the Treasure of the San Diego 20.00 Treasure Hunt: Treasures from the Past 21.00 Legends of the Bushmen 22.00 Bunny Allen - A Gypsy in Africa 23.00 lcebound: 100 Years of Antarctic Discovery 0.00 Treasure Hunt: Titanic 1.00 Treasure Hunt: the Treasure of the San Diego 2.00 Treasure Hunt: Treasures from the Past 3.00 Legends of the Bushmen 4.00 Bunny Allen - A Gypsy in Africa TNT 5.00 The Prime Minister 6.45 Tom Thumb 8.30 Young Tom Edison 10.15 Captain Blood 12.15 Father of the Bride 14.00 Quo Vadis? 17.00 Tom Thumb 19.00 Scaramouche 21.00 The Swan 23.00 The Tender T rap 1.00 Bridge to the Sun 3.00 The Swan Omega 11.00 Samverustund. Bein útsending frá Grensásvegi 8.14.00 Þetta er þinn dagur med Benny Hinn. 14.30 Líf í Orðinu með Joyce Meyer. 15.00 Boðskapur Central Baptist kirkjunnar (The Central Messa- ge). Ron Phillips. 15.30 Náð til þjóðanna (Possessing the Nations), með Pat Francis. 16.00 Frelsiskallið (A Call to Freedom). Freddie Filmore pródikar, 16.30 Nýr sigurdagur með Ulf Ekman. 17.00 Samverustund. 17.45 Elím. 18.00 Kærleikurinn mikilsverði (Love Worth Finding) með Adrian Rogers. 18.30 Believers Christian Fellowship. 19.00 Blandað efni. 19.30 Náð til þjóöanna með Pat Francis. 20.00 700 klúbburínn. Blandað efni frá CBN fréttastðöinni. 20.30 Vonarljós. Bein utsending 22.00 Boðskapur Central Baptist kirkjunnar. (The Central Message) Ron Phillips. 22.30 Lofið Drott- in. (Praise the Lord) Blandaö efni frá TBN sjónvarpsstððinni. Ýmsir gestir. mánudagur 9. nóvember 1998 11.30 Skjáleikurinn. 16.25 Helgarsportið. Endursýning. 16.45 Leiðarljós. 17.30 Fréttir. 17.35 Auglýsingatíml - Sjónvarpskringlan. SJÓNVARPIÐ 17.50 Táknmálsrréttir. 18.00 Eunbi og Khabi (18:26). 18.30 Veröld dverganna (22:26) (The New World of the Gnomes). 19.00 Ég helti Wayne (6:26) (The Wayne Manifesto). Ástralskur myndaflokkur fyrir börn og unglinga. 19.27 Kolkrabbinn. Fjölbreyttur dægurmálaþáttur með nýstár- legu yfirbragði. 20.00 Fréttir, íþróttir og veður. 20.40 Pör í pólitík (3:4). Að þessu sinni er rætt við Geir H. Haarde og Ingu Jónu Þórðardóttur. Umsjón: Sonja B. Jónsdóttir. 21.05 Tom Jones (2:5) (The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling). Breskur myndaflokkur byggður á sígildri sögu eftir Henry Fielding um æsileg ævintýrí ungs manns á átjándu öld og ferðir hans um England í leit að hinni einu sönnu ást. 22.00 Hljómsveltarstjórinn (Naked Classics: The Maestro). Bresk heimildarmynd um hljómsveitarstjórann Zubin Mehta. 23.00 Ellefufréttir og íþróttir. 23.20 Mánudagsviðtalið. Pétur Gunnarsson rithöfundur ræðir við Má Jónsson sagnfræðing um Árna Magnússon, líf hans, starf og handritasöfnun en Már hefur nýlega lokið rit- un bókar um ævi Árna. 23.45 Skjálelkurinn. 13.00 - í hæpnasta svaði (e) (Spy Hard). Hér er á ferðinni 220 volta, há- tækni, ævintýraleg, undirbeltis gaman- myrtd. Aðalpersónan er sjónvarpsá- horfendum að góðu kunn en sögu- þráðurinn kemur á óvart með hárbeittum og alvarlegum ádeilutóni. Aðalhlutverk: Charles Durning, Leslie Nielsen og Nicollette Sheridan. Leikstjóri: Rick Friedberg.1996. 14.20 Ally McBeal (2:22) (e). 15.05 Vinir (2:25) (e) (Friends). 15.30 Dýraríkið. 16.00 Köngulóarmaðurinn. 16.20 Guffi og félagar. 16.45 Úr bókaskápnum. 16.55 Lukku-Láki. 17.20 Glæstar vonir. 17.45 Línurnar í lag. 18.00 Fréttir. 18.05 Sjónvarpsmarkaöurinn. 18.30 Nágrannar. 19.00 19>20. 20.05 Ein á bátl (10:22) (Party of Five). 20.55 Til fyrlrmyndar (Picture Perfect). George Thomas er ein- stæður faðir sem lendir heldur betur í vandræðum þegar hann verður að þykjast vera eiginmaður konunnar í næsta húsi en hana hefur hann aldrei þolað. Aðalhlutverk: Mary Page Keller og Richard Karn. Leikstjóri: Joseph L. Scanl- an.1995. 22.30 Kvöldfréttlr. 22.50 Ensku mörkin. 23.45 í hæpnasta svað! (e) (Spy Hard). 1996. 01.05 Dagskrárlok. lsrðB-2 Skjáleikur í Ijósaskiptunum (Twilight Zone). ítölsku mörkin. Ensku mörkin. Sjónvarpsmarkaðurinn. Hunter (e). 17.00 17.30 17.50 18.45 19.00 20.00 Fótbolti um víða veröld. 20.30 Stöðin (6:24) (Taxi). 21.00 ★★ Krakkar í kaupsýslu (Kidco). Sannsöguleg kvik- mynd á léttum nótum um krakka sem láta til sín taka í við- skiptaheiminum. Dickie Cessna er stórhuga strákur og framkvæmdastjóri í fyrirtæki fjölskyldunnar. Honum til að- stoðar eru systumar June, Bette og Nene. Aðalhlutverk: Scott Schwartz, Cinnamon Idles og Tristine Skyler. Leik- stjóri: Ronald M. Maxwell.1984. 22.30 Trufluð tilvera (8:33) (South Park). Bönnuð börnum. 22.50 Á ofsahraða (Planet Speed). Svipmyndir úr heimi aksturs- íþróttanna. 23.15 Herskarar himnanna (God’s Army). Dag einn er Dagget kallaður á vettvang þar sem óhugnanlegt morð hefur verið framið. Er þetta lík af manni eða einhverri annarri veru? Aðalhlutverk: Christopher Walken, Eric Stoltz og Elias Kot- eas.1995. Stranglega bönnuð börnum. 00.50 í Ijósaskiptunum (e) (Twilight Zone). 01.15 Dagskrárlok og skjáleikur. 12.00 ★★★ 1992. 06.00 ★★★i. Arnarborgin (Where Eagles Dare). 1969. Bönnuð börnum. 08.30 Kappaksturinn (Dukes of Hazzard: Reunion). 1997. 10.10 Barnfóstrufélagið (The Baby- Sitter’s Club). 1995. Spámenn á vegum úti (Roadside Prophets). 14.00 Barnfóstrufélagið. 16.00 Kappaksturinn. 18.00 Spámenn á vegum úti. 20.00 ★★★ í netinu. (Caught). 1996. Stranglega bönnuö börnum. 22.00 Hættuspil (Maximum Risk). 1996. Stranglega bönnuð börnum. 00.00 Arnarborgin. 02.30 í netinu (e). 04.20 Hættuspil. Mk/árjfj 20.35 Hinir ungu. 21.10 Dallas. 21. þáttur. 22.10 Fóstbræður. 23.10 Steypt af stóll (e). 4. þáttur. VH-1 6.00 Power Breakfast 8.00 Pop-up Video 9.00 VH1 Upbeat 12.00 Ten of the Best: Curt Smith 13.00 Greatest Hits Of...: U213.30 Pop-up Video 14.00 Jukebox 17.00 five @ five 17.30 Pop-up Video 18.00 Happy Hour with Toyah Willcox 19.00 Greatest Hits Of....U2 20.00 The Vh1 Album Chart Show 21.00 Bob Mills' Big 80’s 22.00 Pop-up Video 22.30 Greatest Hits Of...: U2 23.00 Talk Music 0.00 VH1 Country 1.00 Elvis in Memphis 2.00 VH1 Late Shift Travel 12.00 Worldwide Guide 12.30 Getaways 13.00 Holiday Maker 13.30 The Food Lovers' Guide to Australia 14.00 The Flavours of France 14.30 Secrets of India 15.00 From the Orinoco to the Andes 16.00 Go 2 16.30 Innocent Abroad 17.00 A Fork in the Road 17.30 Cities of the World 18.00 The Food Lovers’ Guide to Australia 18.30 On Tour 19.00 Worldwide Guide 19.30 Getaways 20.00 Holiday Maker 20.30 Go 2 21.00 From the Orinoco to the Andes 22.00 Secrets of India 22.30 Innocent Abroad 23.00 On Tour 23.30 Cities of the World 0.00 Closedown Eurosport 7.30 Snowboard: ISF Boardercross World Tour in STden, Austria 8.00 Football: European Championship Legends 9.00 Motorcycling: World Championship 11.00 NASCAR: Winston Cup Series in Atlanta, Georgia, USA 12.00 Supercross: 1998 Supercross World Championship in Belo Horizonte, Brazil 13.00 Duathlon: ‘98 European Cup 14.00 Mountain Bike: Crocodile Trophy ‘98 in Australia 15.00 Rugby: Worid Cup Qualifying Rounds 17.00 Motorcycling: Offroad Magazine 18.00 Bowling: 1999 Golden Bowling Ball in Hamburg, Germany 19.00 Xtrem Sports: YOZ MAG - Youth Only Zone 20.00 Truck Sports: ‘98 Europa Truck Trial 21.00 Strongest Man: America's 1998 Full Strength Challenge in Las Vegas 22.00 Football: Eurogoals 23.30 Boxing: Intemational Contest 0.30 Close Hallmark 6.25 III Never Get To Heaven 8.00 The Irish R:M: - Deel 6 8.55 A Chilcfs Cry for Help 10Z5 Dadah Is Death - Deel 111.55 Isabel's Choice 13.35 Broken Promises: Taking Emily Back 15.05 A Father’s Homecoming 16.30 Pot O' Gold 18.00 The Man from Left Field 19.35 Rehearsal for Murder 21.15 Best of Friends 22.10 Dadah Is Death • Deel 2 23.40 Isabel's Choice 1.20 Best of Friends 2.15 Broken Promises: Taking Emily Back 3.45 A Father's Homecoming 5.25 Pot O' Gold Cartoon Network 5.00 Omer and the Starchild 5.30 The Fruitties 6.00 Blinky Bill 6.30 Tabaluga 7.00JohnnyBravo 7.15lamWeasel 7.30 Animaniacs 7.45 Dexter's Laboratory 8.00 Cow and Chicken 8.15SylvesterandTweety 8.30 Tom and Jerry Kids 9.00 Flintstone Kids 9.30 Blinky Bill 10.00 The Magic Roundabout 10.15 Thomas the Tank Engine 10.30 The Fruitties 11.00 Tabaluga 11.30 Dink, the Little Dinosaur 12.00 Tom and Jerry 12.15 The Bugs and Daffy Show 12.30 Road Runner 12.45 Sylvester and Tweety 13.00 Popeye 13.30 Droopy: Master Detedive 14.00 Top Cat 14.30 The Addams Family 15.00 Taz-Mania 15.30 Scooby Doo 16.00 The Mask 16.30 Dexter’s Laboratory 17.00 Cow and Chicken 17.30 Freakazoid! 18.00 Tom and Jerry 18.30 The Flintstones 19.00 Batman 19.30 2 Stupid Dogs 20.00 Scooby Doo - Where are You? 20.30 Beetlejuice 21.00 Johnny Bravo 21.30 Dexter's Laboratory 22.00 Cow and Chicken 22.30 Wait Till Your Father Gets Home 23.00 The Flintstones 23.30 Scooby Doo - Where are You? 0.00 Top Cat 0.30 Help! It's the Hair Bear Bunch 1.00 Hong Kong Phooey 1.30 Perils of Penelope Pitstop 2.00 Ivanhoe 2.30 Omer and the Starchild 3.00 Blinky Bill 3.30 The Fruitties 4.00 Ivanhoe 4.30 Tabaluga BBC Prime 5.00 TLZ - Zig Zag: Food and Farming 1-3 6.00 BBC Worid News 6.25 Prime Weather 6.30 Bodger and Badger 6.45 Blue Peter 7.15 Sloggers 7.45 Ready, Steady, Cook 8.15 Style Challenge 8.40 Change That 9.05 Kilroy 9.45 Classic EastEnders 10.15 Songs of Praise 11.00 Rick Stein's Fruits of the Sea 11.30 Ready, Steady, Cook 12.00 Can’t Cook, Won't Cook 12.30 Change That 12.55 Prime Weather 13.00 Wildlife 13.30 Classic EastEnders 14.00 Kilroy 14.40 Style Challenge 15.05 Prime Weather 15.20 Jackanory Gold 15.35 Blue Peter 16.00 Sloggers 16.30 Wildlife 17.00 BBC World News 17.25 Prime Weather 17.30 Ready, Steady, Cook 18.00 Classic EastEnders 18.30 Rick Stein’s Fruits of the Sea 19.00 Fawfty Towers 19.30 Waiting for God 20.00 Ballykissangel 21.00 BBC World News 21.25 Prime Weather 21.30 Antiques Show 22.00 Top of the Pops 2 22.45 O Zone 23.00 Shadow of the Noose 0.00 Prime Weather 0.05 TLZ - What's That Noise 0.30 TLZ - Look Ahead 1.00 TLZ - Suenos World Spanish 5-8 2.00 TLZ - The Business Programme, 12 2.45 TLZ - Twenty Steps to Better Mgt, 6 3.00 TLZ - Alaska - The Last Frontier? 3.30 TLZ - Fortress Europe 4.00 TLZ - From a Different Shore - an American Identity Discovery 8.00 Rex Hunt’s Fishing World 8.30 Wheel Nuts 9.00 First Flights 9.30 Ancient Warriors 10.00 Wilder Discoveries: Bear Attack 11.00 Rex Hunt’s Rshing World 11.30 Wheel Nuts 12.00 First Flights 12.30 Ancient Warriors 13.00 Animal Doctor 13.30 Wild Discovery: Bom Wild 14.30 Ultra Science 15.00 Wilder Discoveries: Bear Attack 16.00 Rex Hunt’s Fishing World 16.30 Wheel Nuts 17.00 First Rights 17.30 Ancient Warriors 18.00 Animal Doctor 18.30 Wilder Discoveries: Bom Wild 19.30 Ultra Science 20.00 Wilder Discoveries: Bear Attack 21.00 Raging Planet 22.00 The Great Egyptians 23.00 Wings 0.00 Rre! Fire!: Nature of the Beast 1.00 First Rights 1.30 Wheel Nuts 2.00Close MTV 5.00 Kickstart 6.00 MTV Europe Music Awards ‘98: Spotlight Best Pop 6.30 Kickstart 8.00 Non Stop Hits 15.00 Select MTV 17.00 Hitlist UK 18.00 So 90’s 19.00 Top Selection 19.30 MTV Europe Music Awards ‘98: Spotlight Best Female 20.00 MTV Data 21.00 Amour 22.00 MTVID 23.00 Superock 1.00 MTV Europe Music Awards ‘98: Spotlight Best Rock 1.30 Night Videos Sky News 6.00 Sunrise 10.00 News on the Hour 11.30 SKY World News 12.00 SKY News Today 14.00 News on the Hour 14.30 Your Call 15.00 News on the Hour 15.30 PMQ’S 16.00 News on the Hour 16.30 SKY World News 17.00 Live at Five 18.00 News on the Hour 19.30 Sportsline 20.00 News on the Hour 20.30 SKY Business Report 21.00 News on the Hour 21.30 SKY Worid News 22.00 Prime Time 0.00 News on the Hour 0.30 CBS Evening News 1.00 News on the Hour 1.30 ABC Wortd News Tonight 2.00 News on the Hour 2.30 SKY Business Report 3.00 News on the Hour 3.30 Showbiz Weekly 4.00 News on the Hour 4.30 CBS Evening News 5.00 News on the Hour 5.30 ABC World News Tonight CNN 5.00 CNN This Moming 5.30 Best of Insight 6.00 CNN This Moming 6.30 Managing with Jan Hopkins 7.00 CNN This Moming 7.30 World Sport 8.00 CNN This Moming 8.30 Showbiz This Weekend 9.00 Newstand / CNN & Time 10.00 World News 10.30 World Sport 11.00 World News 11.30 American Edition 11.45 World Report - ‘As They See lt’ 12.00 World News 12.30 Pinnacle Europe 13.00 World News 13.15 Asian Edition 13.30 Business Asia 14.00 WorkJ News 14.30 Insight 15.00 WorkJ News 15.30 World Sport 16.00 Worid News 16.30 The Art Club 17.00 Newstand / CNN & Time 18.00 WorkJ News 18.45 American Edition 19.00 Workl News 19.30 Worid Business Today 20.00 Worid News 20.30 Q&A 21.00 Worid News Europe 21.30 Insight 22.00 News Update / Worid Business Today 22.30 Worid Sport 23.00 CNN Worid View 23.30 Moneyline Newshour 0.30ShowbizToday 1.00WoridNews 1.15 Asian Edition 1.30 Q&A 2.00 Larry King Live 3.00 Worid News 3.30 Showbiz Today 4.00 Worid News 4.15 American Edition 4.30 Worid Report GEOGRAPHIC 5.00 Europe Today 8.00 European Money Wheel 11.00 lcebound: 100 Years of Antarctic Discovery 12.00 Treasure Hunt: Titanic 13.00 Treasure Hunt: the Treasure of the San Diego 14.00 Treasure Hunt: Treasures from the Past 15.00 Legends of the Bushmen 16.00 Bunny Allen - AGypsy in Africa 17.00 lcebound: 100 Yearsof Antarctic Discovery 18.00 African Wildlife 19.00 Extreme Earth: Vanuatu Volcano 20.00 Predators: Lions of the Kalahari Pictures Available. 21.00 Fire Bombers 21.30 Riding the Wave 22.00 Wrybill: Bird with a Bent 22.30 Southem Harbour 23.00 Into the Heart of the Last Paradise Pictures Available. 0.00 African WikJlife 1.00 Extreme Earth: Vanuatu Volcano 2.00 Predators: Lions of the Kalahari Pictures Available. 3.00 Fire Bombers 3.30 Rkling the Wave 4.00 Wrybill: Bird with a Bent 4.30 Southem Harbour TNT 5.00 Village of Daughters 6.30 The Wonderful Worid of the Brothers Grimm 8.45 Broadway Melody of 194010.30 Clarence, the Cross-Eyed Lion 12.00 Lili 13.30 Bad Day at Black Rock 15.00 Calling Bulldog Drummond 16.45 The Wonderful Worid of the Brothers Grimm 19.00 Adam’s Rib 21.00 Rhapsody 23.00 Shoot the Moon 1.00 The Trial 3.00Rhapsody Omega 8.00 Sigur í Jesú með Billy Joe Daugherty. 8.30 Þetta er þinn dagur með Benny Hinn. 9.00 Uf í Oröinu með Joyce Meyer. 9.30 700 ktúbburinn. 10.00 Sigur í Jesú með Billy Joe Daugherty. 10.30 Náð til þjóöanna með Pat Frands. 11.00 Llf f Oröinu með Joyce Meyer. 11.30 Þetta er þim dagur með Benny Hinn. 12.00 Kvöldljós. (e) 13.30 Sigur I Jesú með Billy Joe Daugherty. 14.00 Lofið Drottin (Praise the Lord). 17.30 Sigur I Jesú með Billy Joe Daugherty. 18.00 Þetta er þinn dagur með Bemy Him. 18.30 Líf (Oröinu með Joyce Meyer. 19.00 700 klúbburim. Blandað efni frá CBN fréttastööinni. 19JJ0 Sigur I Jesú með Ðilly Joe Daugherty. 20.00 Nýr sigurdagur með Ulf Ekman. 20.30 Líf í Oröinu með Joyce Meyer. 21.00 Þetta er þim dagur með Benny Him. 21.30 Frá Krossinum. Gunnar Þorsteinsson prédikar. 22.00 Kærleikurim mikilsverði (Love Worth Finding) með Adrian Rogers. 22.30 Frelsiskallið. Freddie Filmore prédikar. 23.00 Sigur í Jesú . með BiBy Joe Daugherty. 23.30 Lofið Drottin (Praise the Lord). Blandaö efni frá TBN sjónvarps- stöðirmi. Ýmsir gestir. II rí ncjdn! Hringdu og fáðu pizzuna senda heim við færum þér Margaritu pizzu í kaupbæti. “ ! • Reykjavíkurvegi 60 iíiffifg 22 f ÓkUS 6. nóvember 1998


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