

Ægir - 01.02.1976, Page 21

Ægir - 01.02.1976, Page 21
HIÐ 5F Janúar—jú/í 1975 og 1974 1 Þorskur Cod . 83.990 98.958 4.377 83 479 1.314 189.201 6.252.829 186.603 4.379.136 1 43 / 1 2 Ýsa ffaddoc/e . 20.649 62 173 23 22 1.495 410 22.840 644.008 20.494 487.712 11 32 / 2 3 Ufsi Sait/ie 29.92C 6.402 250 10 9 118 36.708 801.067 32.460 539.926 13 48 / 3 4 Karfí Redfis/i 18.720 2 — — 333 5 102 19.162 391.998 20.482 336.783 4-6 16 4 5 Langa Ling 2.141 363 2 — * 2 8 2.516 76.158 2.508 55.838 * 36 5 6 Kei/a Tusk 370 26 249 — — 1 1 647 12.940 761 10.631 H-15 22 6 7 Steinbílur Catfish 8.426 6 150 — 18 62 21 8.683 191.114 9.475 170.659 4-8 12 7 8 Spærlingur Norway Pout — — — — — — — — — 4.795 14.560 M00 4-100 8 9 Skötuselur Monk 318 — — — * * 4 322 7.394 216 3.310 49 123 9 10 Skata Skate 41 45 — — 11 10 2 109 1.634 158 1.536 4-31 6 10 11 Ósundurliðað Not specified 487 78 13 — 633 6 67 1.285 13.265 1.943 12.993 4-34 2 11 12 Lúða Halibut 602 * 2 — * 45 21 670 51.115 478 28.773 40 78 12 13 Grálúða Greenland Halibut 738 * — — * 1 1 741 18.972 2.402 63.693 4-69 4-70 13 14 Skarkoli Plaice 1.535 — — — 5 18 101 1.658 46.906 2.124 46.322 4-22 1 14 15 Annar flatfiskur Other flatfishes . 74 — — — — * 4 78 2.026 138 3.120 4-43 4-35 15 16 Síld Herring 5 — — — — — 6.954 6.959 260.401 16.645 414.448 4-58 4-37 16 17 Loðna Capelin 1.298 — — — 449.864 1 — 451.164 1 .108.783 462.230 2 .016.607 4-2 4-45 17 18 Humar Lobster 2.354 — — — * * 2.354 336.281 1.732 191.080 36 86 18 19 Rækja Shrimps 2.997 — — — — — — 2.997 147.047 3.901 152.565 4-23 4-4 19 20 Hörpudiskur Scallop 1.027 — — — — — — 1.027 19.061 1.203 16.149 4-15 18 20 21 Annar afli Miscellaneous * * — — — — 205 206 3.656 583 11.730 4-65 4-69 21 Alls Total 175.692 105.942 5.216 29 450.978 2.134 9.333 749.325 10.406.652 771.332 S .957.574 4-3 16 1 Þorskafli Demersal species 168.012 105.942 5.216 29 1.114 2.133 2.174 284.620 8 .511.428 285.038 6 .154.996 • * 38 1 2 Síldarafli Herring 5 — — — — — 6.954 6.959 260.401 16.645 414.448 4-58 4-37 2 3 Loðnuafli Capeiin 1.298 — — — 449.864 1 — 451.164 1 .108.783 462.230 2 .016.607 4-2 4-45 3 4 Krabbadýraafli Crustaceans .... 5.350 — — — * >1= — 5.351 503.327 5.633 343.645 4-5 4-46 4 5 Skelfiskafli Molluscs 1.027 — — — — — — 1.027 19.061 1.203 16.149 4-15 18 5 6 Annar afli Miscellaneous * * — — — — 205 206 3.656 583 11.730 4-65 4-69 6 Alls Total 175.692 106.985 5.216 29 450.978 2.134 9.333 749.325 10.406.652 771.332 8 .957.574 4-3 16 ALLIR VÉLBÁTAR AL LIR TCGAR.AR Magn lestum Verðmæti þús. kr. Magn lestum Verðmæti þús. kr. Heiidarafli ijan.-júlí 1975 og 1974: 1 Þorskaflinn Demersai species 1975 1974 1975 1974 1975 1974 1975 1974 185.196 195.088 5.730.419 4.173.152 98.827 89.936 2.791.238 1.988.999 1 2 Síldar- ogloðnuafli Herringand Capelin 461.731 477.167 1.379.173 2.423.215 844 1.494 1.884 7.840 2 3 Krabbadýraaflinn Crustaceans 5.351 5.633 503.327 343.645 — — — 3 4 Skelfiskaflinn Moiluscs 1.027 1.203 19.061 16.149 — — 4 5 Annar afli Miscellaneous 289 720 4.247 15.739 62 47 2.188 937 5 Heildarafli Total catch 653.594 679.811 7.636.227 6.971.900 99.733 91.476 2.795.310 1.997.775 co m



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