

Ægir - 01.02.1983, Page 63

Ægir - 01.02.1983, Page 63
nóvember og jan.-nóv. 1982 Hertar afurðir Mjöl og lýsi Niðurs. og niðurl. A ðrar afurðir Samlals Magn Verðmœli Magn Verðmæti Magn Verðmœii Magn Verðmæti Magn Verðmœli Nr. þús.kr. leslir þús.kr. leslir þús.kr. lesiir þús.kr. leslir þús.kr. 4 462 29 430 16 1.219 8.234 347.766 3 — 1 14 — — — 272 3.107 4 — 1.470 6.587 10 787 — 5.947 86.925 5 — 4 69 — — 1 35 55 2.539 7 — 1.025 4.861 2 260 — 1.226 8.969 8 1 10 • 27 2.350 — 517 12.185 9 — — — 166 1.204 10 — — 1.357 38.278 11 401 1.647 1 69 — 451 2.574 12 1 71 — 913 33.424 14 — 1 85 1 85 15 — 349 1.576 — — 349 1.576 18 — — 2.455 58.263 19 — 192 13.450 — 192 13.450 21 — — 958 31.100 22 51 187 — — 52 373 23 — 60 1.562 24 1.031 4.306 — — 1.411 7.618 25 57 5.176 2.462 9.497 81 7.546 653 16.465 5.809 73.412 27 ■— — 25 332 28 400 35.917 — 413 36.264 29 — 518 14.320 30 ' 1 — 25 402 1 69 — 42 683 32 . 462 41.565 6.848 29.576 331 25.821 655 16.585 31.423 776.009 4.997 222.895 26.346 80.297 240 9.553 1.225 4.565 52.608 619.407 — 10 646 — — 10 646 2 35 1.651 125 1.699 333 18.851 — — 60.605 1.962.010 3 17 37 3.377 12.875 2 154 — — 4.755 32.894 4 386 42.690 142.774 77 3.067 490 1.849 76.774 747.464 5 ' 1 67 1 67 6 4 602 569 2.672 8 446 2.709 1.526 4.704 41.141 7 — 18.465 74.101 9 841 501 1.947 21.198 100.194 8 6 513 6.515 23.845 90 6.132 375 1.696 12.964 151.882 9 - — — — 4.286 26.112 10 —■ — — 5.003 115.092 11 ■ ■ — 3.452 10.680 5 268 — — 3.761 15.391 12 584 — — — 7 117 13 51.499 7 399 1 28 3.966 159.394 14 — 1 85 1 85 15 — 1.667 5.707 12 580 — — 1.784 7.801 16 2 — — 182 5.068 17 ~ — 364 1.741 26 187 — — 390 1.928 18 — 800 3.301 — — — — 31.386 832.599 19 631 35.030 — — 33.340 464.312 21 2.204 7.201 4 282 — — 9.068 200.881 22 — 112 816 — — , 176 12.519 23 — 2.212 8.854 — — — — 4.842 48.367 24 — 1.031 4.306 14 464 — — 2.345 13.427 25 57 — 82 730 16 890 — — 98 1.620 26 5.176 9.925 34.742 974 69.756 656 16.615 30.649 338.663 27 2-057 — 481 6.502 17 1.032 — — 934 18.511 28 125.244 1.030 4.255 — 16 2.174 37.442 5.402 169.684 29 10 — 63 1.506 4 298 — — 8.585 146.578 30 685 33 329 L 33 — — 89 2.625 31 — 37 773 5 315 — — 367 5.602 32 16 8R7 185.793 95.234 349 409 2.245 139.689 6.908 61.255 327.672 5.622.674 ' 721.683 154.351 477.458 1.562 54.410 7.611 71.597 405.481 4.703.129 ÆGIR — 111



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