Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.2006, Síða 67

Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.2006, Síða 67
KJATT A ALNETINUM I FØROYUM 65 children’s disco. On the homepage of a pop- ular chat channel people have been dis- cussing the establishment of a new channel for the youngest chatters. The 16-20 year olds want to get rid of the 10-12 year olds “disturbing” them on the intemet. Communication The first impression is always important, also when discussing chat. You measure the stranger through the content of the text and sometimes the linguistic level. Conceming one-to-one chat (private chat) there is a di- alogue where the chatters start with some polite standard questions before finding out if they should aim at this conversation and continue or just say “bye, it was fun...” and then move on to the next person. Persons chatting with the whole channel, i.e. all the chatters can see and read their text messages, are often experienced chatters logging on every night and knowing most people on the channel. Some of the first information that chatters ask for are age, sex and location - the intemational abbreviation of the ques- tion being ASL. However it may seem quite aggressive or even desperate to confront your counterpart with ASL in the very first text line. Many chatters have nicknames (nicks) that identify their sex, age and loca- tion. A girl’s name can be “Female20” or “Man Havn”. These nicknames are very simple and clear, but some experienced chat- ters choose to use more complex and cryp- tic nicknames appearing totally incompre- hensible to the outsider. On the Faroese chat there is e.g. a chatter named SyDrOnX. The youngest chatters often use, as also men- tioned by Sørensen and Olesen (2000: 57), their idols or fancy words e.g. “HotBabe” or “Shakira”. These nicknames seem at- tractive to other young chatters, especially those of the opposite sex. Some chatters have several nicknames that they use on dif- ferent occasions. The nickname may even contain explicit messages to the others on the chat channel; the chatter may when he for example takes a break from the computer to eat dinner but doesn’t want to log out change from the name “Klax Girl” to “Klax Girl Away”, thereby telling everybody that he or she is not reachable at the moment. If you are not starting the communica- tion with the ASL question then you write e.g. “hello, how are you?” or “hello, where in the Faroe Islands are you?” If you get an answer to your question, then the dialogue continues perhaps until the chatters know each other concerning age, sex and location as well as other facts. Chat sequences may be very short: two persons meet (on chat channels), exchange some personal infor- mation and end the dialogue. Chatters know- ing each other well are also often having very short conversations and jump from one to the next the whole evening. As regards the youngest chatters, chatting is, for most of them, simply a pastime like playing PlayStation or watching DVD. Categories Chatters are as different as other people, even if they have common interests relating to the chat culture. They have basic techni- cal knowledge of how to get access to the chat channels, which programmes to down- load and install on your computer (if you are chatting at home), and a social knowledge
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