Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.2006, Síða 170

Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.2006, Síða 170
168 SOLITARY ASCIDIANS (TUNICATA, ASCIDIACEA AND SORBERACEA) OF THE FAROES Acknowledgements First and foremost I tliank Faroe Oil Indus- try Group (FOIB) for making publication of this work possible. During my Master study, I thank my counsellors Dr. Tomas Cedhagen and Dr. Ole Secher Tendal for good co-operation; Dr. Jørgen Líitzen for hospitality and willingness in all ways dur- ing my visits at the Zoological Museum in Copenhagen and allowing me to make use of his original prints for illustration; Jan Sørensen the directorof Kaldbak Marine Bi- ological Laboratory, Kaldbak for kindness and readiness. I am deeply indebted to my fellow colleagues: Dr. Karen Sanamyan for taxonomic comments; Francoise Monniot for re-examination of dubious specimens and taxonomic comments; and Dr. Gretchen Lambert for a very thorough reading of my manuscript and invaluable taxonomic com- ments. Last but not least I wish to thank my family for their patience during the long pe- riod this study has lasted. References Alder, J. 1863. Observation on the British Tunicata with descriptions of several new species. The Annals and Magazine ofNatural History, Scr.3. 11: 153-173. Alder, J. and Hancock, A. 1848. Tunicata In: Alder, J. (ed.) A Catalogue of the Mollusca of Northum- berlandand Durham. Transactions of the Tyneside Field Club 1:97-209. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Lon- don. Alder, J. and Hancock, A. 1870. In: Hancock, A. (ed.) On the larval state of Molgula; with descriptions of several new species of simple ascidians. Annals and Magazine ofNatural History (4)6: 353-368. Ámback-Christie-Linde, A. 1921. A new styelid from Norway. Bergens Museums Aarbok 1919-1920: 3 : 1-7(1 plate). Ámback-Christie-Linde, A. 1922. Tunicata 1. Styeli- dae and Polyzoidae. Kungliga Svenska Veten- skapsakademiens Handlinger. 63(2): 1 -62, pls. 1- 3. Ámback-Christie-Linde, A. 1928. Tunicata 3. Mol- gulidae and Pyuridae. Kungliga Svenska Veten- skapsakademiens Handlinger. 63(9): 1-101, pls. 1-3. Ámback-Christie-Linde, A. 1931. On Xenomolgula mira, gen. and sp. n., and Lithonephrya compla- nata Alder and Hancock. Arkiv J'or Zoologi 23 A (5): 1-14. Ámback-Christie-Linde, A., 1934. Tunicata4. Cioni- dae, Ascidiidae, Agnesiidae, Rhodosomatidae. Kungliga Svenska Vetenskapsakademiens Hand- linger 13(3): 1-91,pls. 1-6. Ámback-Christie-Linde, A. 1952. Tunicata. Ascidi- acea In: Sprack, R., Jensen, Ad. S., Lundbeck, W. and Mortensen, Th. (eds) 1928-1971. The Zoo- logy ofthe Faroes III (I): LXI, 1-52. Berrill, N.J. 1950. The Tunicata, with an account oj the British species. Ray Society, London. 354 pp- Bjerkan, P. 1905. Ascidien von dem norwegischen Fischereidampfer “Michael Sars” in den Jahren 1900-1904 gesammelt. Bergens Museums Aarbog 1905 5: 18-29, pls. 1-3. Bjerkan, P. 1908. Die Ascidien des Nordlichen Norwegens. Tromsø Museums Aarshefte 25: 49- 118 (1 plate). Bonnevie, K. 1896. Ascidiæ simplices and Ascidiæ compositæ from the North Atlantic-Expedition. The Norwegian North-Atlantic Expedition 1876- 1878. pp. 1-16, pls. III-IV. Brewin, B.I. 1950. Ascidians of New Zealand Part IV. Ascidians in the vicinity of Christchurch. Transactions of the Royal Society of New Zealand 78: 344-353. Bøggild, O.B. 1899. Havbundens Aflejringer. Den Danske Ingolf-Expedition 1(3): 1 -86 (7 pls.). Best- yrelsen for Universitetets zoologiske Museurn, Copenhagen. Carpentcr W. B. 1868. “Preliminary Report “ by Dr. William P. Carpenter, V.P.R.S., “of Dredging Operations in the Seas to the North of the British Islands, carried on in Her Majesty’s Steam-vessel ‘Lightning’, by Dr. CARPENTER and Dr. WYVILLE THOMSON, Professor of Natural History in Queen’s College, Belfast.” Royal Society of London 17: 167-200. Dinesen, G.E. and Ockelmann, K.W. 2005: Spatial distribution and species distinction of Modiolus modiolus and syntopic Mytilidae (Bivalvia) in
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