Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.2006, Qupperneq 170
First and foremost I tliank Faroe Oil Indus-
try Group (FOIB) for making publication
of this work possible. During my Master
study, I thank my counsellors Dr. Tomas
Cedhagen and Dr. Ole Secher Tendal for
good co-operation; Dr. Jørgen Líitzen for
hospitality and willingness in all ways dur-
ing my visits at the Zoological Museum in
Copenhagen and allowing me to make use
of his original prints for illustration; Jan
Sørensen the directorof Kaldbak Marine Bi-
ological Laboratory, Kaldbak for kindness
and readiness. I am deeply indebted to my
fellow colleagues: Dr. Karen Sanamyan for
taxonomic comments; Francoise Monniot
for re-examination of dubious specimens
and taxonomic comments; and Dr. Gretchen
Lambert for a very thorough reading of my
manuscript and invaluable taxonomic com-
ments. Last but not least I wish to thank my
family for their patience during the long pe-
riod this study has lasted.
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