

Sameiningin - 01.11.1943, Blaðsíða 6

Sameiningin - 01.11.1943, Blaðsíða 6
100 brother simply said, “But it isn’t”. As we walked home- ward those words came recurringly back to me. And the black clouds rifted in the sky and a gleam of Eternal Light shone through. I saw more clearly than ever before a changeless God in a changing world. “He is the same yesterday, today and forever”. And He can make the things of time eternal. He has come into this changing world and made whatever he touches with His Love-—Timeless. In that warm light I began to realize that Earth’s joys grow dim that greater joy may take its place. Earth’s glories pass away that Real Glory may abide. Life’s little day may swiftly ebb away. But only that a Greater Day may come under the power of the Changeless One. “For me to live is Christ, and to die (yes, even to die), is gain.” The saddness of these words now changes fast to song. “Swift to its close ebbs out life’s little day; Earth’s joys grow dim, its glories pass away; Change and decay in all around I see; O Thou Who changest not, abide with me.” When this Changeless Christ abides with man, the touch of eternity is upon him. He sees beyond the passing glories of the hour, a glory past all understanding. He sees in all change and decay a God whose love makes all things work together for good for those who know His Love. Even death becomes a blessing under Him. We spoke of life’s dissatisfaction. Even there is Grace. For discontent in certain measure is the stir of the divine in the soul. If a man is not in unrest until he finds his God, or if he lives content without Him, he has committed the only unforgivable sin. But most men have that lonesome feeling at times even among friends. They feel lack in their lives. That empty lonely feeling is lack of Real Life in all abundance which comes alone from a life lived with our Heavenly Father. Most men are homesick even while at home until they find that God is Home. We know the world is homesick; It snatches at every passing pleasure. Men think about themselves alone. They scramble after power and fame. They build a topsy-turvy passing glory and call it “Der Vaterland”, when there is only one Fatherland. They cut each others throats to realize their aims and all they gain is blood and pain. They build a



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