Árdís - 01.01.1950, Page 38

Árdís - 01.01.1950, Page 38
36 ÁRDÍS iron roof and a tower. It stands near an ancient cemetery enclosed within a stone wall. This cemetery stands on a higher level than the surrounding ground. Upon inquiry I was told that in ancient times the Churches were always situated in the middle of the burial ground and being built of sod they had to be replaced frequently. When they were razed the sod was simply levelled over the churchyard and throughout the centuries this raised the level of the ground. Within this enclosure are buried some of the four children of Hallgrimur Petursson who died in infancy, though it is not certain that they were all interred there. On every visit to this Church we felt that we were treading on hallowed ground. Here we were tracing the footsteps of the sainted poet whose memory will be revered as long as Iceland exists. This was his first Church—which he served for seven years, from 1644 to 1651. He came there as an ordained minister at the age of thirty, having spent four previous years on the peninsula as a laborer. Hallgrimur Petursson was born in 1614 in northern Iceland. His father Petur Gudmundsson was a close relative of Bishop Gudbrandur of Hólar, and was employed as sexton of the Cathedral there. There Hallgrimur received his elementary schooling. But at the early age of 13 he went to Denmark where he became an apprentice to a blacksmith. At this time Brynjólfur Sveinsson, later bishop of Skálholt was studying at the University of Copen- hagen. He found Hallgrimur, and realizing that he was unhappy in his surroundings as well as recognizing his talents and ability, he took him in his care, entering him in Our Lady’s College, one of the best schools in the city. There he remained for four years. Just before the completion of his senior year his attention was turned to other channels. In the year 1627 a Turkish pirate ship had come to the Westman Islands south of Iceland. They burned, plundered and killed then took captive between three and four hundred people and sold them into slavery in Algiers. After ten years of servitude and misery — thirty eight survivors were ran- somed by the Danish Crown and brought back to Copenhagen. Many of them had renounced their faith, and they did not understand the Danish language. In order to restore their faith to them in their Icelandic language, Hallgrimur was appointed as their tutor. Among this group was a woman by the name of Gudriður Simonardóttir, then about 38 years old or sixteen years older than
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