Árdís - 01.01.1950, Síða 42

Árdís - 01.01.1950, Síða 42
The Red River Fiood of 1950 So much has been written in papers and periodicals about this year’s great flood of the Red River Valley from Emerson to the city of Winnipeg, that we need not add words to it’s cause, description or to it’s results. The colossal destruction of property will in time be remedied and the valley will again become one of the many prosperous farming districts of our province. Towns will recover their losses and Winnipeg regain it’s pre-flood appearance. All the strenuous days and nights of toil, the fears and heartaches will in time be only a memory. That which will be truly remembered with just pride, will be the magnificent spirit of the people involved, the immediate response to the call for voluntary service and the good-will of civilians from near and far places. Winnipeg, appropriately called the “Gateway of the West” has, for it’s length of years, been noted for it’s tradition of friendliness and helpfulness, found in such generous measure throughout the western provinces. Now, this tradition belongs not only to our city and western provinces, but also to the east, to the south and from across the seas. Kindly messages and generous gifts have poured in from all directions since the first week of this devastating flood. Neighborliness and Christian fellowship have been amply exemplified in providing shelter, food and clothing to thousands, the victims of this major disaster. May we not believe that during this time of stress, the words of our Lord must have echoed in many a heart, “I was hungered, and ye gave me meat, I was thirsty and ye gave me drink, I was a stranger and ye took me in. Verily I say unto you: Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethern, ye have done it unto me.” B.H.
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