Árdís - 01.01.1950, Side 71

Árdís - 01.01.1950, Side 71
President's Report Members and delegates of the Lutheran Women’s League: Owing to the drastic results of the recent flood in Winnipeg and Southern Manitoba, we were unable to continue with our convention on schedule. The Lundar Community was overflowing with evacuees, and the members of the Ladies’ Aid of Björk, expressed the wish to have it postponed as they were assisting in this emergency, and felt they could not have a convention on top of the many people they were helping at that time. We were glad to comply with their wishes in this time of distress. The Camp was placed at the disposal of the Red Cross during the flood emergency, and put in order, ready for occupancy at a moment’s notice. Our Camp Director was on the premises for three days, before we were notified that all group camps had been cancelled, owing to the cold weather that prevailed for so long at that time. But now we look forward to opening the gates and welcoming our children and adult campers. With Gods help and assistance of a good and qualified Camp Director and her staff, we look forward to a wonderful season. I would like to stress upon all our people to earnestly develop a camp conscious attitude, to be ever alert to any support or benefits they can bring towards helping to improve and enlarge our camp. We are building for the future. Putting forth our little efforts now, can be of great value to point the youth of today to a more democratic and tolerant tomorrow. Helping our youth to come under the Christian fellowship which prevails at Sunrise Lutheran Camp, can be a strong factor in governing future paths. Our Sunrise Lutheran Camp has been in operation for only five years, (although the L.W.L. have sponsored a Camp period every summer for some years) and already it has been recognized as one of the best in this part of Manitoba. Its record of religious training, and high standard of Camp facilities has given it a place second to none in the Manitoba Camping Association and the Red Cross, as well as in the Council of Social Agencies. It is the ultimate goal of the Lutheran Women’s League and its Board of Directors that we maintain this high standard. In order to do this, we are faced with the fact that additional buildings
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