Árdís - 01.01.1950, Side 72

Árdís - 01.01.1950, Side 72
70 ÁRDÍ S as well as equipment will be needed in the immediate future. Our attendance is increasing every summer. We are very happy about that. But we must be prepared to accommodate them, without congestion in the buildings. I appeal to all our communities to launch a further financial assistance, in order that we may construct small huts, that will accommodate ten to twelve children and a leader. Having the smaller huts, simplifies the work of the leaders and is more satisfactory from every point of view. We are proud of our Camp. But it must be a growing pride. Let us all strive to push a further effort to improve and enlarge this worthy project. Let it be an undying credit to us of Icelandic origin, something our children as well as children of other faith and race can point to with pride that they had been in attendance at our camp. As most people know now, we formed a “Children’s Trust Fund.” The object of this fund is to assist children, who through financial reasons are not able to avail themselves of the opportunity of going to Camp. This fund depends on voluntary contributions for its upkeep. I would like to suggest that we encourage our children to take a part in keeping this fund built up. The Sunday Schocls throughout our communities could take charge of distributing bags or tins with a suitable designated band to every member of their Sunday School. This will encourage the children to help some other children less fortunate. I offer this suggestion for your consideration. It has been a custom for three years, that some member offers to collect the names of delegates and friends at each convention, and embroider those names on a quilt made for the camp. The 1948 quilt was worked and beautifully finished by Mrs. H. S. Erlendson, Arborg. There is an outstanding difference in this quilt. A hand painted picture of our Camp in its original color is placed ín the centre. This exceptional work was done by Miss Josephine Olafsson, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. Olafsson, Selkirk. I know all our members join me in thanking Miss Olafsson for her lovely work. A woman who at various times has shown her generosity toward the work of our camp, came forth last fall when funds needed a boosting to meet payments of insurance renewals as well as other obligations. This member donated the second chest of silver for the purpose of selling tickets to raise money. This effort netted us five hundred and twenty dollars. We extend our grateful
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