Árdís - 01.01.1950, Síða 77

Árdís - 01.01.1950, Síða 77
Ársrit Bandalags lúterskra kvenna 75 agenda, a further meeting at an early date would be in prospect in order to complete any unfinished business on matters of policy, staff organization or camp group divisions. In the interval I will see to it that every member of this Board be provided with a copy of this paper so in case of a further meeting we can come prepared with our suggestions or decisions. Now to come back to the number one matter, that of a camp director. At our last meeting the motion was introduced and adopted to the effect that a Supervisor (or Director, which might be the more suitable term) should be appointed, who would be charged with full camp administration, management and authority —or such was the idea. We felt at the time that this covered every- thing and was so intended to do, but further clarification is neces- sary to definitely define the director’s duties. First let it be mentioned that we must all realize the tremendous responsibility attached to the office of the “on the spot” manager. From experience and observation that most of us have had to date, we know these duties are manifold and can be very exacting. The director would probably find herself with a full-time job on her hands during the camp season, with little time left to devote to her own personal or home affairs. It is only natural that anyone approached to take on these duties would want time for thoughtful consideration before acceptance. In addition to these considerations, a supervisor must possess business and executive ability as well as qualities of personality that would command respect and confidence from co-workers and camp patrons alike. All factors considered, any office calling for a person with such specialized qualifications suggests a remunerative position which most certainly should have our recognition. In that respect I fear that any offer we would be in a position to make would at the best amount to only a token stipend. At our last meeting a member of this Board we all know to be fully qualified for this position in the person of Mrs. Ingibjorg Olafsson was nominated for this office. She requested time for considering this nomination and while she still remains the nominated candidate I am sure that should she still desire further time before giving her final answer, that this meeting will extend to her that consideration in the hope that the Board will be the ultimate gainer through her favorable decision.
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