Árdís - 01.01.1950, Síða 78

Árdís - 01.01.1950, Síða 78
76 ÁRDIS A suggested directive defining the duties and authority of a camp director has been prepared and a copy will be distributed to each member of this Board. This directive or code of authority should be discussed at this meeting and passed on. The other two matters mentioned, that of camp periods and (enrollment) fees, will be dealt with in their order, but I suggest that the matter of camp fees may be referred to the executive and our prospective director, to bring in a recommendation on at our next meeting. While I am no doubt overlooking some other matters that should be mentioned, I will let these remarks suffice at this time for I am certain that we will catch up on the various other items in the course of our discussions. Before concluding my remarks, it is a cause for regret to us all, I am sure, that reference has to be made to the sickness of our Board member, the Rev. B. A. Bjarnason, who is confined to his home and prevented from being with us. I have been informed that he is recovering which is heartening news, and on behalf of the Board, I express to him our sincerest wish for a speedy return to good health and the hope that he will be with us with his valued services at an early date. With our other ailing member, Mr. Martin Jonasson, I under- stand there is no improvement and our sympathy is expressed to his wife and family in their extended trials. I am sure our main concern is that of what is best in the camp’s interests and that we are not looking for individual “pats on the back” but I feel I would be remiss if I didn’t acknowledge our indebtedness to our Treasurer, Mrs. Anna Magnusson, whose generous gift of silverware last fall enriched our treasury to the sum of $521.90. Our thanks to you, Anna. Finally, I express my personal thanks to you who have given time to attend this meeting and particularly to those of you from outside points and to all members of this Board unavoidably absent as well as present, who have at all times co-operated in one way or the other in making our camp an operating venture in serving our younger children and youth, and so contributing to a training designed to help build healthy bodies, happy hearts and purer minds. S. O. BJERRING, Chairman.
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