Íslenskt mál og almenn málfræði - 01.01.1993, Síða 242
Sverrir Tómasson
Robins, R. H. 1985. Grammar. Dictionary ofthe Middle Ages. Vol. V. Charles Scrib-
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Sigurður Nordal (útg.). 1931. Codex Wormianus. The Younger Edda. Corpus Codicum
Islandicorum Medii Aevi. Vol. II. Levin & Munksgaard, Copenhagen.
Stefán Karlsson. 1973. Icelandic Lives of Thomas á Becket: Questions of Authorship.
Proceedings ofthe First International Saga Conference (University of Edinbuigh
1971). The Viking Society for Northem Research, London.
Stefán Karlsson. 1979. Islandsk bogeksport til Noige i middelalderen. Maal og minne
Stefán Karlsson. 1982. Saltarabrot í Svíþjóð með Stjómarhendi. Gripla V, 320-322.
Sveinbjöm Egilsson (útg.). 1849. Ritgjörðir tilheyrandi Snorraeddu. Skóla-boðsrit,
Sveinbjöm Egilsson og Jón Sigurðsson (útg.). 1848-1852. Edda Snorra Sturlusonar.
Legatum Amamagnæani, Hafniæ.
Sverrir Tómasson. 1988a. Formálar íslenskra sagnaritara á miðöldum. Stoíhun Áma
Magnússonar, Reykjavík.
Sverrir Tómasson. 1988b. Fyrsta málfræðiritgerðin og íslensk menntun á 12. öld.
Tímarit Háskóla íslands 3, 71-78.
Unger, Carl Richard. 1891. Bemærkninger om nogle islandske og norske Haandskrifter
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The present paper discusses the fúnction and meaning of the so-called prologue to
the four grammatical treatises in the MS Wormsbók, AM 242 fol., written ca. 1350. It
is concluded that the author of the prologue was also the editor of the whole MS, and
not only a scribe. He was working in one of the Benedictine monasteries in the North,
either Þingeyrar or Munka-Þverá. His aim was to educate aspiring poets and scholars in
the art of poetry and grammar, using the vemacular instead of Latin. The author knows
of foreign books on ars poetica and his work can be considered a defense for using
Icelandic in composing and explaining mythology and poetry. His preface informs us
also about the first attempts of writing Icelandic with Latin letters long before the The
first grammatical treatise was composed.
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