

Freyr - 01.11.2002, Side 35

Freyr - 01.11.2002, Side 35
Niðurstaða Fóðurgangar með færanlegum ffamhliðum er áhugaverð lausn þar sem fóðrað er að stómm hlua með einsleitu gróffóðri. Líklega þarf að takmarka samkeppni um átpláss ef fóðrað er með fjölbreyttu gróffóðri (2-2,5 kýr um átpláss). Með réttri hönnun fjósa og vönduðum vin- nubrögðum við gjafir má draga úr neikvæðum áhrifum sem þessi fóðrunartækni getur haft á gripi. Heimildaskrá Anonym, 2001. Tværfaglig rap- port ’Tndretning af stalde til kvæg - Danske anbefalinger. 3 udg. 2001”. Landbmgets Rádgivningscenter. 114 pp. Albright, L.D. & M.B. Timmons, 1984. Behaviour of dairy cattle in ffee stall housing. Trans. ASAE 1119-1126. Albright, J. L., 1993. Feeding behaviour of dairy cattle. J. Dairy Sci. 76:485-498. Arave, C. W., D. Bolinger, M. P. Shipka & J. L. Albright, 1996. EfTect of extended lock-up of lactat- ing cows on milk production, feed intake and behaviour. Joumal of Animal Science 74: 43. Arnold, G.W. & Dudzinski, M.L, 1978. Ethology of Free-ranging Domestic Animals. Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Bouissou, M.F. & Signoret, J.P., 1971. Cattle behaviour under modem managemnt techniques. Joumal of the Farm Buildings Association 15: 25-27. Brouk, M.J., J.F. Smith & J.P. Harner III, 2000. Designing and managing Facilities to Maximize Dry Matter Intake. Advances in Dairy Technology - The Tools for Success in the New Milleneum. Proceedings of the 2000 Westem Canadian Dairy Seminar - Red Deer, Alberta. Volume 12 Collis, K. A., M. J. Vagg, P. T. Gleed, C. M. Copp & B. F. Sanson, 1980. The effects of reducing man- gar space on dairy cow behaviour and production. Vet. Rec. 107:197- 198. Coppok, C. E., C. H. Noller, B. W. Crowl, C. D. McLellon & C. L. Rhykerd, 1972. Effect of group ver- sus individual feeding of complete rations on feed intake of lactating cows. Joumal of Dairy Science, 55: 325-327. Dumelow, J & T. Sharpless, 1988. Developing improved designs of feeding barriers and mangers for cattle from data collected from an instrumental test reg. Livestock environment III, Toranto. s. 155-162. Fraser, A.F. & Broom, D.M., 1998. Farm Animal Behaviour and Welfare. Cab Intemational, Wallingford, UK Friend, T. H. & C. E. Polan, 1974. Social rank, feeding behaviour and free stall utilization by dairy cat- tle. J. Dairy Sci. 57, 1214-1220. Friend, T. H., C. E. Polan & M. L. McGillard, 1977. Free stall and feed bunk requirements relative to behaviour, production and individual intake in dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. 60:108-116. Georg, H. & P. Oberdellmann, 1999. Online motgraphy for move- ment analysis of dairy cattle feeding behaviour. Landtechnik 54-6: 344- 345. Georg, H. & F. J. Bockisch, 2000. Effects of a forage-pusher fence on feeding behaviour of dairy cattle. Landtechnik 55: 4. 300-301. Gjestang, K.-E., 1982. Feeding table geometry in relation to dairy cow comfort. I: Proceeding of the intemational Livestock Environment Symposium. Ames, Iowa. s. 433- 437. Hansen, K. og C. N. Pailesen, 1998. Dairy cow pressure on self- locking fed barriers. American Society of Agricultual Engineers. s. 312-319. Olofsson, J., 1992. Konkurrens om grovfoder I lösdrift. JTI-rapports 146. Jordbrugstekniska institutet. Kenwright, A.D. & Forbes, J.M., 1993a. Relationships between social dominance and feeding behaviour in lactating heifers during period of heavy competition. Animal Production 56: 457 (Abstract). Kondo, S & Hurnick, J.F., 1990. Stabilization of social hierarchy in dairy cows. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 27: 287-297. Konggaard S.P. og Krohn, C.C., 1975. Undersogelser over foderop- tagelse og social adford hos gmppe- fodrede koer i losdrift. Beretning fra Statens Husdyrsbmgsforsög, Rep. 425, National Institute of Animal Science, Fredriksberg, Denmark. Konggaard, S.P., 1983a. Feeding conditions in relation to welfare for dairy cows in loose-housing systems. I: Farm animal housing and welfare, a seminar in the CEC Programme of Coordination of Research on Animal Welfare. Martinus Niijhoff publish- ers, Boston, The Hague, Dordrecht, Lancaster, pp. 272-280. Konggaard, S.P., 1983b. Foderoptagelsens afhængighed af milljöet. I: 551. Beretning fra State- ns Husdyrbmgsforsög (ritstj. V. Öste- gaard & A. Heiman-Sörensen), 9.1- 9.30. Krohn, C.C. & S.P. Konggaard, 1976. Undersogelser over foderop- tagelse og social adfærd hos gmppe- fodrede koer i losdrift. Beretning fra Statens Husdyrsbmgsforsæg, Rep. 469, National Institute of Animal Science, Fredriksberg, Denmark. Landbúnaðarráðuneytið, 2002. Reglugerð nr. 438/2002 um aðbúnað nautgripa og eftirlit með framleiðslu mjólkur og annarra afurða þeirra. Lindström, T., 2000. Feeding Behaviour in Dairy Cows, Motiva- tion Aspects. Doctorical thesis. Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala, Sweden. Nydegger, F. & N. Keil, 2002. Freyr 9/2002 - 35 J



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