

Læknablaðið - 01.10.1969, Side 84

Læknablaðið - 01.10.1969, Side 84
194 LÆKNABLAÐIB RIT SEND LÆKNABLAÐINU Eftirtaldar ritgerðir hafa borizt blaðinu: Sigurður E. Þorvaldsson, Richard E. Deslack, Gerald J. Gleich and Shaun J. Ruddy: Angioneurotic edema and deficiency of C’l esterase inhibitor in a 61-year-oId woman. Annals of Internal Medicine, 71, 353, 1969. Jón Steffensen: Hugleiðingar um eddukvæði. Árbók Hins íslenzka fornleifafélags, bls. 26—38, 1968. Henry Gewurz, Allan W. Moberg, Richard L. Simmons, Bernard Pollara, Auðólfur Gunnarsson, Robert Soll og John S. Najarian: Induction of immunologic tolerance to antilymphocyte globulin in man. Surgical Forum XX, 259—261, 1969. Allan W. Moberg, Henry Gewurz, Richard L. Simmons, Auðólfur Gunn- arsson, Frederick Merkel og John S. Najarian: A new efficient method for preparation of immunoelectrophoreti- cally pure hdrse antihuman antilymphoblast globulin. Surgical Forum XX, 261—263, 1969. Auðólfur Gunnarsson, Allan W. Moberg, Henry Gewurz, Robert J. Perper og John S. Najarian: Synergistic effects of cytosine arabinoside combined with anti- lymphocyte globulin for suppressins xenograft rejection. Surgical Forum XX, 263—265, 1969. Guðmundur Pétursson, Donal Armstrong, Etienne de Harven and Jörgen Fogh: In Vitro Transformation of Hamster Embryonic Kidney Cultures Exposed to Human Adenovirus 12. Cancer Research 29, 145—153, January 1969. Stefán Haraldsson: Reconstructio'n of Proximal Hulmerus By MuscIe-SIing Prosthesis. Acta Orthop. Scand. 40, 225—233, 1969. Ólafur Bjarnason, Torkell Jóhannesson and Tómas Á. Jónasson: Carbon Tetrachloride Poisoning in Reykjavík and Vicinity. Archiv fiir Toxikologie 23, 112—121, 1968. Blaðið sendir höfundum beztu þakkir.
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