

Læknablaðið - 01.08.1971, Page 25

Læknablaðið - 01.08.1971, Page 25
LÆKNABLAÐIÐ 131 Picture 1 shows the rapid decrease in number of homedeliveries during the last ten years. The decade 1961 — 1970 was divided into two five year periods, 1961 -—■ 1965 and 1966 — 1970. Perinatal mortality in the former peri- od was 22.7/1000 and in the latter 20.8/1000. Table 6 compares the Reykjavík perinatal mortality figures with those of other nations. Heimildir: 1. Heilbrigðisskýrslur (Public Health in Iceland) 1961—1967. 2. Mannfjöldaskýrslur Hagstofu íslands 1963 (Population and Vital Statistics) 3. World Healt'h Statistics Report.



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