

Læknablaðið - 01.08.1971, Síða 52

Læknablaðið - 01.08.1971, Síða 52
152 LÆKNABLAÐIÐ d) Fyrirhugaðar nýjungar í heimilislæknisþjónustunni: Dr. Jón Sigurðsson borgarlæknir. 4. Umræður og fyrirspurnir. 5. Kaffihlé og sýning lyfjaumboðsmanna skoðuð. 6. Erindi: Byggðaþróun og áætlanir um byggðakjarna: Lárus Jónsson viðskiptafræðingur. Laugardagur 5. okt., kl. 10.00-13.00: 1. Erindi: a) Postgraduate training of general practitioners: Fulltrúi frá British Medical Association: Dr. James Cameron. b) Fjármögnun heilbrigðismála: Páll Sigurðsson tryggingayfir- læknir. c) Hjúkrun í heimahúsum: Sólveig Jóhannsdóttir hjúkrunarkona. d) Framhaldsmenntun heimilislækna og sérfræðiviðurkenning þeirra: Ólafur Mixa læknir. 2. Almennar umræður. 3. Ráðstefnunni slitið. Fy Igiskj al 3 P. V. G. Kolka: HALF-A-CENTURY ANNIVERSARY OF THE ICELANDIC MEDICAL ASSOCIATION The Icelandic Medical Association was established in Reykjavík on January 14, 1918! at the initative of the governors of the Medical Society of Reykjavík at that time. Since January was not considered a suitable time to commemorate the event due to difficult communications at that time of the year, the anniversary is not celebrated on the actual date but the year of the anniversary. It took quite a long time for doctors in Iceland to organize. In the year 1891 and 1892 Ásgeir Blöndal, a district physician at Húsavík, wrote two articles on the subject in “ísafold“. He called on the Teachers of the Medical School to arrange a general meeting of doctors for this purpose. They acted accordingly and proclaimed a doctors meeting to be held in Reykjavík in the summer 1892, but due to a lack of response no such meeting was held. At that time there were only 3 doctors in Reykjavík and 27 in country districts. The first medical society in this country was founded by five district physicians in the Eastern Quarter of the country. They con- vened to establish the Eastfjord Medical Society at Eskifjördur on July 16, 1894. Another meeting was held at Eskifjördur in the year 1896 where many noteworthy subjects were diseussed, but after that the society was dissolved. The first general physicians meeting was held on August 27-30th 1896 in the Lower House hall of the Althing under the chairmanship
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