Læknablaðið - 01.12.1971, Blaðsíða 15
andi áhrif koloxíðs á myndun æðakölkunar (atherogenesis) hjá
kanínum renna liins vegar eindregið stoðum undir þá ályktun,
að koloxíðmettun í blóði muni eiga verulegan þátt í aukinni tíðni
hjarta- og æðasjúkdóma hjá miklum reykingamönnum og valda
miklu um aukningu á dánarhlutfallstölu þessara manna.
Brink, N. G., R. Bonnichsen & H. Theorell. A modified method for
the enzymatic microdetermination of ethanol. Acta pharmacol. et
toxicol. 1954. 10, 223-236.
Burmeister, H. G. & A. Neuhaus. Die Behandlung der schweren sub-
akuten Leuchtgasvergiftungen beim Menschen. Arch. Toxicol.
1970. 26, 277-292.
Dalgaard, J. B. Retsmedicin. Munksgaard. Copenhagen 1970, 61-79.
Gregersen, M. E. G. Forgiftningsfaren ved anvendelse af flaskegas
(Propan/Butan). [Thesis] Árhus Universitet, 1970.
Haebisch, H. Die Zigarette als Kohlenmonoxydquelle. Arch. Toxicol.
1970. 26, 251-261.
Kjeldsen, K. Smoking and Atherosclerosis. Investigations on the Signi-
ficance of the Carbon Monoxide Content in Tobacco Smoke in
Atherogenesis. [Thesis] Munksgaard. Copenhagen 1969.
Mpller, K. O. Farmakologi, 6th ed. Nyt nordisk forlag. Copenhagen
1965, 579-584.
Pharmaconomia Danica 1968. Nyt nordisk forlag. Copenhagen 1968,
Wolff, E. En enkel och kanslig metod för pávisande av smá mángder
koloxid i blod. Svenska Lakartidn. 1941. 38, 492-496.
Thorkell Jóhannesson and Ólafur Bjarnason. Deaths due to Car-
bon Monoxide Poisoning. — A report is given of 19 cases of deaths
due to poisoning with carbon monoxide that occurred in Reykjavík
and vicinity during the period from the autumn of 1966 and to the
end of 1970. Eight died after inhaling the exhaust fumes of automobile
engines, seven died from poisoning due to fire on board fishing vessels
and four died from carbon monoxide poisoning resulting from fires
in houses. The available information indicates that individuals in
the first group deliberately took their lives, whereas deaths in the
two other groups were primarily due to accidents, often with alco-
holic intoxication as a contributing cause. The data are discussed
in relation to the signs and symptoms of acute and chronic carbon
monoxide poisoning.
(From the Departments of Pharmacology (P.O. Box 884) and
Pathology (P.O. Box 150), The University of Iceland, Reykjavík,