

Læknablaðið - 01.12.1971, Síða 45

Læknablaðið - 01.12.1971, Síða 45
LÆKNABLAÐIÐ 273 einum ruptura cordis og loks hafði einn sjúklingur haemoperi- cardium. LOKAORÐ Dánartala sjúklinga með kransæðastíflu reyndist lág á lyf- læknisdeild Landspítalans. Orsakir þess eru óljósar. Hópurinn virðist ekki vera valinn úr. Meðferð var hefðbundin. Sjúklingar komu inn á sjúkrahúsið tiltölulega löngu eftir að bráð einkenni hófust, og kann það að litskýra hina lágu dánartölu að nokkru, Samband virðist vera milli reykinga og kransæðastiflu. ÞAKKARORÐ Höfundar þakka Ottó Björnssyni fyrir tiilfræðilega aðstoð. Einnig kunnum við forráðamönnum Hjartaverndar beztu þakkir fyrir aðgang að upplýsingum um reykingavenjur. Loks þökkum við Elísabetu Ottósdóttur ritara fyrir óeigingjarnt starf. ENGLISH SUMMARY The present paper is a retrospective study of all patients admitted to the University Hospital of Iceland 1966-1968 with acute myocardial infarction. The patients were 151 and the episodes of infarction were 157. All the patients fullfilling the WHO criteria were included in the study. The men were 119 and women 32. Table I shows the mortality in relation to age and sex. The overall mortality is 21% which is low in a non-specialized unit. This can probably be partly explained by the fact that only 40% of the patients were admitted within 6 hours of the onset of acute symptoms and 60% within 24 hours. It may also be con- tributory to the low mortality that 30 patients were admitted from the provinces. They had a mortality _ only 13,3%. Although lower than the overall mortality this difference was not significant statistically. No seasonal difference in incidence was observed. Thirty two patients had had an infarct before, 108 angina pectoris and 87 or 55,4% prodromal symptoms. Smoking seemed to inerease the risk of myocardial infarction. The average age at the time of infarction was 57,9 for smokers, 62,1 for ex- smokers and 69,2 for non-smokers, compared with overall average of 62,9. The age difference of 11,3 years between smokers and non-smokers is statistically significant. This may however possibly be explained by the fact that smoking is more common in the younger age groups, although no information is available about smoking habits of the older age groups. HEEVIILDASKRA 1. Anderson, T. W. and LeRiche, W. H.: Cold weather and myocardial infarction. Lancet 1:291-296, 7 Feb. 1970.



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