Hagskýrslur um utanríkisverslun

Hagskýrslur um utanríkisverslun - 1978, Qupperneq 73

Hagskýrslur um utanríkisverslun - 1978, Qupperneq 73
20 Verslunarskýrslur 1977 Tafla in. Verðmæti útfluttrar vöru Value of exports 1977, by countries FOB-verðmæti í 1 000 kr. Umreikningsgengi: Sjá töflu I. FOB i-a • u U t . «o value in thous. of kr. Conversion rate: See table I. For translation « '2 Q S .2 o ÆS H? cn a Nr. of names of countries see pp. 45*—46*. Sjávarafurðir fish and ivhale products 1 247 675 1 818 369 255 952 323 933 1816568 01 Saltfiskur þurrkaður salted fish, dried (035) - - - - - 02 ,, óverkaður, úr skipi salted fish, uncured, sold from vessel (035) . _ - - - - 03 „óverkaður, annar salledjish, uncured, other (035) _ - 18 267 6 380 04 Saltfiskflök salted fish fillets (035) _ - - - 1 159 05 Þunnildi söltuð wings, salted (035) - - - - - 06 Skreið stockfish (035) - - - - 382 07 Ný og ísvarin síld herring, fresh or on ice (034) - - 3 164 - - 09 Nýr fiskur (þ.m. loðna) til bræðslu fish, fresh, for reduction (034) - - 3 881 19 224 - 10 Nýr og ísvarinn fiskur, annar otherfish,fresh or on ice (034) 49 315 - 223 176 - 11 850 11 Fryst síld herring, frozen (034, 291) 38 548 - 1 258 58 884 - 12 Fryst loðna capelin, frozen (034, 291) - - - - - 13 Heilfrystur fiskur, annar other frozen fish, whole (034) 22 987 _ 17 267 - 5 355 14 Fryst fiskRökfrozenfishfillets (034) 346 - - - 418 15 Fryst rækja shrimps, frozen (036) 155 560 - - 137 343 438 129 16 Frystur humar lobster, frozen (036) - - - 25 - 42 Hörpudiskur nýr, kældur eða frystur sca!lop,fresh or firozen (036) 2 989 - - - 583 17 Fryst hrogn roes, frozen (034) 68 967 - - - 38 702 19 Þorskalýsi kaldlireinsað cod liver oil, non-freezing (411) 3 121 229 - - - 20 ,, ókaldhreinsað cod liver oil, non-destearinated (411) 15 490 16 777 - - - 21 Iðnaðarlýsi cod liver oil, industrial (411) - _ - - - 22 Grásleppuhrogn söltuð lumpfish roes, salted (035) 478 948 - - - 7 515 23 önnur matarlirogn, sykursöltuð other roes for food, salted (035) . 34 5 108 - 16 462 442 129 24 Salthrogn (m.a. til beitu) salted roes (e.g.for bait) (291) - _ - - 376 25 Saltsíld venjuleg herring salted, with head or headless (035) 28 460 - - - 237 089 26 Saltsíld sérverkuð herring salted, specially cured (035) 81 247 273 633 - - 505 944 27 Síldarlýsi herring oil (411) - - - - - 28 Loðnulýsi capelin oil (411) 64 585 - - - - 29 Karfalýsi redfish oil (411) - - - - - 30 Hvallýsi whalc oil (411) - - - 48 148 - 31 Þorskmjöl cod meal (081) 18 232 281 324 - - 115 875 32 Síldarmjöl herring meal (081) - - - - 33 Loðnumjöl capelin meal (081) 174 559 1 140 301 - - “ 34 Karfamjöl redfish meal (081) 44 287 - - - 35 Steinbítsmjöl calfish meal (081) - - - - “ 36 Fiskúrg. til fóðurs, frystur fish waste for animal feed, frozen (291) - - - - 3 990 37 Lifrarmjöl liver meal (081) - - - - “ 38 Humarmjöl lobster meal (081) - - - - 39 Bækjumjöl shrimp meal (081) - - - - “ 40 Hvalmjöl whale meal (081) - 79 840 - - “ 41 Hvalkjöt fryst wliale meat, frozen (011) - 7 206 6 722 48 Kjötkraftur (hvalafurð) ivhale meat extract (014) - 21 157 - 18 858 692 49 Sjávarafurðir, ót. a. fish and whale products, n. e. s “ “ *T Landbúnaðarafurðir agricultural products 144 914 253 789 785 403 363 016 51 Kindakjöt fryst mutton and lamb,frozen (011) 109 281 223 778 778 695 188 129 52 Kindainnmatur frystur edible offals of sheep.frozen (011) “ 53 Kindakjöt saltað mutton and lamb, salted (012) “ 54 Nautakjöt fryst meat ofbovine animals, frozen (011) 1 115 1 192 55 Mjólkur- og undanrennuduft buttermilk and skimmilk (022) .... “ 56 Kaseín casein (592) “ 57 Ostur cheese (024) 7 336 730 — 55 095 58 Ull wool (268) 1 138 7 779 _ - 59 Gærur saltaðar sheep skins, salted (211) 5 952 32 246 60 Nautg,- og hrosshúðir saltaðar bovine and equine hides, salted (211) 80 684 61 Refa- og minkaskinn þurrkuð fox- and minkskins, dried (212) .. “ 62 Garnir salt. og hreinsaðar sheep casings, dressed and salted (291) - 63 Hross lifandi horses, live (001) 11 523 156 4 296 5 283 69 Landbúnaðarafurðir, ót. a. agricultural products, n. e. s 9 684 20 231 1 221 1 579 Austur-I Verslunarskýrslur 1977 21 1977, eftir löndum og vörutegundum. of destination and by commodities. 3 53 c-c Belgía Bret- land Búlg- aría Frakk- land Grikk- land Hol- land ð <B "S J • <a *o -r tx > UD U . o 3 S S a »o Ph Portú- gal Nr. 1 869 668 755 9 040 953 386 924 1337834 1610 281 33 193 1940 411 251604 7 812 2 861598 5 708 927 99 222 01 02 62 343 1209437 29 859 1 198 370 5 109 164 03 5 780 04 - 9 554 05 1 919 428 442 06 - 07 - _ _ 09 24 402 57 748 783 3 334 - 2 074 10 15 132 12 791 39 131 - - 11 - - - - 12 34 542 168 188 44 106 - 15 528 _ 11 996 99 005 13 143 728 1 929 371 - - - 17 751 14 10 783 382 381 - 8 665 - 48 743 - - 5 738 15 - - 1 951 - _ 21 458 - 16 - 1 551 - 23 934 - 4 727 - _ _ _ 42 - 21 452 - 33 061 - - - _ _ _ _ 17 1 869 1 468 2 588 - - - 4 671 _ _ _ _ 19 77 831 - 32 832 - 2 184 _ _ _ _ _ - 20 - - 40 348 - 22 365 - - - _ _ _ _ _ 21 - 63 787 - - 50 321 - - - _ _ _ _ _ 22 - - - - - 76 425 - - _ _ _ _ - 23 “ “ - “ “ 50 716 - - - - - - 24 “ “ - “ - - - - - _ - - 25 - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ 26 - - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ 27 - 3 866 025 - 83 640 - 1 038 397 - _ _ _ _ _ 28 “ “ 13 662 - 2 231 - 13 179 - - _ _ _ _ 29 - - - - - - 194 635 - _ _ _ _ _ 30 - 10 855 1 012 432 - - - 55 499 - - _ _ 466 159 _ 31 - - 21 005 - - - - - - _ _ _ _ 32 “ 379 190 1 275 457 - 66 822 - 188 981 - 247 060 251604 — 2 395 439 401 536 33 “ - 38 605 - - _ - - _ _ _ _ 34 “ “ “ “ “ 1 052 - - - - - 35 “ “ “ “ “ - - - - - - - - 36 “ - - - - - - _ _ _ _ 37 “ “ - - - - - - _ - - - 38 “ “ - “ “ - - - - - _ - - 39 - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 40 - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ - 41 - - - 3 422 - 3 554 _ _ _ _ _ _ 48 “ “ 52 915 “ “ 1 256 “ “ “ “ “ “ “ 49 2 855 2 616 246 946 _ 6 748 851 12 548 98 224 “ 4 021 - - - - - _ - _ _ _ 51 “ “ 49 958 “ - - - - - - _ - - 52 “ “ - - - - - - _ - _ - - 53 “ “ - - - - - - - _ - _ - 54 _ - - _ - - _ _ _ _ - 55 “ “ - “ 6 746 - - - - - _ _ - 56 - - - - - - - - _ _ _ - 57 - - 35 894 - - - _ - - _ _ _ - 58 “ “ 11 844 - “ - - - - - - 98 224 - 59 — — — — — — — — _ _ _ _ - 60 - - 130 715 - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 61 - 2 433 - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 62 2 847 179 - - - - _ _ _ _ _ - 63 8I 4 14 514 - 2 851 12 548 - - - - - - 69
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Hagskýrslur um utanríkisverslun

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