Úr þjóðarbúskapnum - 01.12.1960, Page 37

Úr þjóðarbúskapnum - 01.12.1960, Page 37
NOTES ON STATISTICAL DATA ABOUT THE ICELANDIC ECONOMY 1948-1958 one year to another with tolerable accuracy. In recent months attempts have been made to estimate private consumption directly. These studies have not yet yielded final results but the figures submitted here are believed to represent the most plausible figures on the basis of the available material. But they are due to be replaced by better ones in the near future. Gross fixed asset formation is so defined as to exclude maintenance and repairs. The figur- es include trucks and cars except family cars. Information on the movements of stocks is very scanty except stocks of agricultural and fish products. Changes in stocks of other pro- ducts have been estimated in an indirect way. The series for exports and imports give a very misleading picture of the development of these aggregates and their relation to GNP. As mentioned earlier, prices in the period under consideration have been rising very fast in Iceland relative to prices in countries with which Iceland conducts trade. On the other hand the rate of exchange has moved in jumps. A major devaluation occurred in 1950. The official rate of exchange was maintained un- changed until February 1960. But under the pressure of rising internal prices the authori- ties were forced to pay a premium on currency delivered to the banks as well as differentiated subsidies on exports. These payments were financed by exchange charges and indirect taxes on imports. The system of multiple exc- hange rates was abolished last February when the official rate was raised from 16.29 Icelandic Kronur per US $ to 38.00 Kronur per US $. The International Financial Statistics of the International Monetary Fund contain descrip- tions of the varying structures of the Icelandic exchange rates. In the Icelandic national accounts the prac- tice has been adopted of treating all exchange premia and subsides paid to exporters in ex- cess of the official rate as subsidies. Similary, all exchange charges and import fees over and above the official selling rate are included in indirect taxes. In our data sheet we have inserted series for indirect taxes and subsidies. It should be noted that these figures also contain items unrelated to trans- actions in foreign currencies such as domestic sales taxes on the one hand and subsidies on agricultural products on the other. The terms of trade series refer only to commodity exports and imports. The Icelandic chapters in the International Financial Statis- tick contain a division of the balance of pay- ments into major categories. In the period under consideration net receipts from a NATO base have been of great importance to the Icelandic economy. Since its value as an ex- planatory variable for GNP may be found to be significant we have included a series for these receipts net of receipts for imports to the base. To a large extent the net receipts constitute direct payments of wages, salaries and profits. As mentioned earlier there are only two price indices available for deflating purposes: the consumer goods index and the house cons- truction costs index. In order to obtain a single deflator for the national accounts aggregates the two indices could be combined into one index, using as weights private consumption, on the one hand, and government expenditure plus fixed asset formation, on the other hand. During the 1948—58 period the labor force has been fully employed. In some years there has been considerable overtime work. Unfor- tunately, no systematic data are available on work intensity. The wage index refers only to official rates of unskilled workers. Similar indi- ces for other groups are available but these indices have not been combined in a compo- site wage index. All the important data about money and banking are to be found in the Intemational Financial Statitics. 35


Úr þjóðarbúskapnum

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