
Jökull - 01.12.1956, Page 51

Jökull - 01.12.1956, Page 51
APRIL 1956. The average distance from Straumnes was 95 miles. 5/4 The pack boundary extended from 6855/ 1920 to 6728/2540 to 6704/2800 to 6708/2900 to 6642/3100 to 6611/3125 to 6553/3300 to 6536/3330. Concentration 5/i0 to 8/i0 up to 30 miles of the boundary. Dinstance from Straum- nes 93 miles. 11/4 The pack boundary was observed from 6925/2045 to 6854/2105 to 6738/2525 to 6723/ 2740 to 6530/3340. Concentration was 5/i0 to 8/10 20—60 miles off the pack boundary north of 6815 and 7/io to 9/i0 up to 15 miles off the boundary for the remainder of the area. Dis- tance from Straumnes about 93 miles. Ii Ice boundary: 6840/1917 to 6822/1937 to 6752/2525 to 6734/2920 to 6551/3249 to 6550/3400. The concentration of the pack boundarv consisted of 2/io—8/io slush brash and block up to 15 miles off the boundary. North of 67-30 N a few bergs and bergy bits were sighted up to 15 miles off the boundary. Dis- tance from Straumnes 100 miles. 24/4 Pack boundary from 6940/1720 to 6800/ 2400 to 6605/3100 to 6605/3352. Distance from Straumnes ab. 95 miles. The concentration off the pack boundary consisted of 7/i0 brash, block and pancakes with many concentration of slush. Many bergs were sighted at 6615/3330. MAY 1956. The average distance of the pack boundary from Straumnes was about 85 miles, nearest approach 60 miles, except for a strip of drift ice about 14 miles N of Straumnes at the end of the month. 9/5 The pack boundary was observed from 6920/1725 to 6755/2550 to 6655/2905 to 6655/ 3030 to 6540/3435. Distance from Straumnes 110 miles. le/5 The pack boundary extended from 6825/ 2400 to 6743/2435 to 6651/2900 to 6652/3000 to 6625/3045. Distance from Straumnes ab. 90 miles. Many bergs were observed in the vicinitv of 6930/ and in Scoresby Sound. 23/5 The pack boundary was observed from 6914/2100 to 6840/2018 to 6738/2100 to 6717/ 2452 to 6620/2925 to 6656/2945 to 6656/3150 to 6602/3320 to 6556/3408. Distance from Straumnes 65 rniles. Concentration off the boundary was less than í/iq of slush, brash and blocks. On May 19 two icebergs were ob- served at 6736/2406. An ice floe by radar ex- tended from 6730/1924 to 6654/2412. 2S/s From the top of Cape Straumnes a large field of ice was sighted 60—75 miles towards N. On the 29th a patrol plane reported ice pack 35 miles W-bearing 340° from extreme western tip of Iceland (Látrabjarg), moving S. 31/ó Pack boundary from 7015/2200 to 6912/ 2120 to 6715/2525 to 6630/3200. The concen- tration off the pack boundary consisted of brash, block and belts of slush. There tvas a lead into Scoresby Sound. The coverage up to 150 miles of the Greenland Coast consisted of from x/io to 5/io pack ice and ice fields. Many puddles and small lakes of open water were sighted. JUNE 1956. The average distance of the ice boundary from Straumnes was 80 miles, t.he nearest approach about 60 miles, but several fields and strips were observed at 25—30 miles distance at the end of period. 6/e The pack boundary extended from 6850/ 1930 to 6725/2515 to 6615/2835 to 6625/3045 to 6517/3320 to 6615/3500. Distance frorn Straumnes 75 miles. Many large patches of broken ice were observed off the southern portion of the pack boundary drifting south. 1116 The pack boundary was from 7000/1425 to 6900/1635 to 6800/1855 to 6737/2100 to 6712/2500 to 6714/2700 to 6717/2930 to 6700/ 3100 to 6620/3130. Distance from Straumnes ab. 60 miles. Along the pack boundary many patches of brash ice belts and small floes were seen. Some floes were sighted at 6900/1900 with slush in open water. In Scoresby Sound open water was observed just inside of the entrance and many small fingers of open water led to- ward the sound. 12/0 The ice edge observed from 6845/1900 to 6820/2200 to 6800/2400 to 6740/2500 (From TF-IST). 25/g Ice boundary from 6635/3400 to 6550/ 3200 to 6710/2910 to 6800/2500 to 7050/1830. Distance from Straumnes 105 miles. Drift ice near the NW-ern coasts of Iceland. 1 /5 M/S Ægir off the Coastal Guard Service reports an ice margin extending from 6645/ 2224 to 6738/2100. 49



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