Jökull - 01.12.1956, Blaðsíða 52
4/e M/S Ægir 2050 gmt:Many small floes
observed from 6754/1848 to 6754/1748. A close
ice field sighted ab. 15 miles to the north from
our position. — At 2400 gmt. on 6800/1624: No
ice within sight.
5/e M/S Litlafell: An iceberg sighted 8 miles
N30E from Cape Kögur.
13/e and 15/6 an iceberg is sighted about 10
miles E of Cape Horn, seems to be drifting
towards S on the 18th.
23/6 S/T Júní: Open drift ice observed frorn
pos. 6554/2648. Concentration uncertain owing
to bad visibility.
26/e M/S Ægir 1300 gmt: A very large ice-
berg observed 22 miles 307° true from Grímsey.
2400 gmt: A close ice field observed from pos.
6656/2104, seems to be extending as far as
sighted from W to E.
27/e M/S Ægir 1100 gmt: A close ice fielcl
observed 27 miles 342° true from C. Straum-
nes. Seems to be extending from ENE west-
At the end of June there seems to have been
a considerable drift ice N of 66—00 N between
20° and 25° W.
JULY 1956.
The average distance of the ice boundary
was 80 miles with nearest approach of 65 miles,
but several small concentrations were observed
about 35 tniles off the northern coasts of Ice-
land. On 8 occasions icebergs were reported
near the N-coast.
11 /7 The pack boundary was extending from
6815/2000 to 6730/2400 to 6630/2700 to 6530/
2930 to 6500/3100. A large ice floe 17 miles
long and 12 miles wide was located at 6710/
2230. In the remainder of the areas off the
pack boundary small floes and brash, block ancl
slush were seen. Many patches of broken ice
were encountered off the boundary.
21/7 Pack boundary from 7000/1530 to 6900/
1800 to 6830/1930 to 6820/2300 to 6750/2500
to 6650/2800 to 6600/3000 to 6530/3130.
AUGUST 1956.
The distance of the ice boundary from
Straumnes was fluctuating between 75 and
150 miles.
8/8 The pack boundary was observed from
6500/3050 to 6600/2845 to 6700/2640 to 6800/
2400 to 6900/2010 to 6930/1830.’ A few scatter-
ed icebergs were found at 6755/2425.
ío/s Boundary from 7000/1530 to 6830/1930
to 6820/2300 to 6750/2500 to 6530/3130.
14/s From 6700/3300 to 6800/2800 (M/S
22/s Boundary from 7025/1958 to 6930/2000
to 6900/21 to 6830/2300 to 6730/2500 to 6740/
2555 to 6725/2610 to 6715/2845 to 6800/3150.
A few scattered icebergs were found at 6720/
27/s From 7000/1910 to 6925/2200. Con-
centration i/io. From 6900/2425 to the Green-
land Coast at 6810/3020 the concentration was
4/xo- From 68—30 N the coast was open to 67°
N where a small ice floe was locatecl at 6700/
3340-6645/3100-6630/3140-6632/3430 with an
ice concentration of 4/10- Two small icebergs
were sighted at 6625/2025. — A small ice pack,
about 25 miles long and 5 miles wide was
observed 10 miles NE of Grímsey.
Four single icebergs were reported to the N
and NE of Grímsey and one iceberg off C.
Rauðanúp, ab. 66—30 N 15—40 W. Five ice-
bergs were observed near Cape Horn.
Fields of drift ice were reported at 6600/2700,
670.0/2330 and the above mentioned ice pack
on the 27th 10 miles NE of Grímsey.
10/a No pack boundary was observed along
the eastern coast of Greenland. A small ice floe
was located at 6810/2530 to 6855/2428 and an-
other at 6911/2012 to 6947/1930. Ice concentra-
tion for the overall area was (much) less than
t/10. Numerous icebergs were observed from
6720/1818 (NE of Kolbeinsey) to 7002/2045 to
6722/2705 to 6604/3317.
17/g No definable ice pack boundary. Ice-
bergs were observed all along the track frorn
6920/2420 to 6600/3430. Scattered ice was seen
at 7025/1945, concentration about 5/io- The
mouth of Scoresby Souncl was open for 60 miles.
26/9 The pack boundary was observed from
7025/2100 to 6940/2050 to 6800/2710 to 6730/
3200. Ice concentration averaged 8/io-
No drift ice was reported off the Icelandic
coasts throughout the month, but about eight
single icebergs were sighted near the N- ancl
NW-ern coasts. A big iceberg was observed near
Iceberg seem to have been unusually numer-
ous this sumrner off the eastern portion of the
Icelandic N-coast.