
Jökull - 01.12.1967, Side 3

Jökull - 01.12.1967, Side 3
! JÖKULL Á R S R I T JÖKLARAN NSÓKNAFÉLAGS ÍSLANDS III 17. ÁR REYKJAVÍK 1967 The Thickness of the Ice Cover of Mýrdalsjökull, Southern Iceland SIGURJÓN RIST, HYDROLOGICAL SURVEY, NATIONAL ENERGY AUTHORITY, REYKJAVÍK, ICELAND ABSTRACT. The Ihickness of Myrdalsjökull, Southern Iceland, was measured by seisrnic methods at several. points during the summer of 1955. The ice was found to be 200 t.o 370 m thick. The accumulation of snow during the winter 1954 j 1955 luas founcl to be 4 to 6 metres in most. places corresponding to precipitation (as xuaterj of approximately 3000 mm. INTRODUCTION The history of Mýrdalsjökull has been closely linked with the history of the Icelandic nation because of frequent eruptions in the volcano Katla situated under the ice cover. The erup- tions are always accompanied with catastrophic jökulhlaups (glacial bursts). Katla has erupted rather regularly since the time of the earliest settlement (late 9th cen- tury). Thorarinsson (1959) considers likely that the volcano has been active for at least the last 10,000 years. The last four eruptions took place in the years of 1755, 1823, 1860 and 1918. In addition to the catastrophic jökulhlaups initiated by volcanic eruptions, smaller hlaups are frequent from ice dammed lakes in the mountains on the edges of the ice cover. In 1955 the Icelandic Parliament adopted a resolution on geological and glaciological study of Mýrdalsjökull with emphasis on all changes of the ice cover. The research should focus on problems that might help to predict vol- canic eruptions ancl jökulhlaups. One part of the research involved measurements of the thickness of the ice cover of Mýrdalsjökull. LAHDSBOKASAFH 275650 ÍSLAtiBS JÖKULL 17. ÁR 237
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