
Jökull - 01.12.1967, Síða 6

Jökull - 01.12.1967, Síða 6
TABLE I Station Ice thickness Quality Altitude of ice surface Altitude of glacial surf metres of reflection m a. s. m a. s. P1 260 good 1335 1075 9 200? poor 1280 1080? 3 250 good 1245 995 4 285 good 1250 965 5 300 poor 1240 940 6 370 fair 1370 1000 7 300 good 1200 900 8 320? poor 1320 1000? 9 315 good 1290 975 b) Measurement of the annual snow accu- mulation. In addition to information on the total thickness of tlie ice cover some data on the accumulation of snow during the winter of 1954/55 was obtained. On the very flat sur- face around the base camp the thickness of the winter snow layer was 920 cm with an average specific gravity of 0.63 corresponding to pre- cipitation as water of 5800 mm (Rist 1957). No correction has though been made for possible drift of snow into this depression. The tem- perature of tlie snow was everywhere 0° C. Dye tests showed that rain water percolated down through the snow at a rate of more than 3 metres per day. In other localities studied on the main ice shield snow accumulation from the winter of 1954/55 was generally 4—6 metres correspond- ing to an average precipitation as water of 3000 mm. REFERENCES Eythorsson, J. 195la: The thickness of Vatna- jökull (Icelandic). Jökull 1, 1—6. — 1951 b: The French-Icelandic expedition to Vatnajökull, March—April 1951 (Icelandic). Jökull 1, 10-14. Holtzscherer, J. J. 1954: Expedition Franco-Is- landaise au Vatnajökull Mars-avril 1951. Resultants des sondages seismiques. Jökull 4, 1-33. Rist, S. 1957: Snow survey on Icelandic glaciers 1954 and 1955 (Icelandic with English Summary). Jökull 1, 33—36. — 1960: Investigations on Vatnajiikull in 1960 (Icelandic with English Summary). Jökull 11, 1-11. Thorarinsson, S. 1959: On the possibilities of predicting the next eruption of Katla (Ice- landic with an English Summary). Jökull 9, 6-18. Thorarinsson, S. and Rist, S. 1955: An investiga- tion of Katla and the glacial burst from Katla in the summer 1955. A preliminary report (Icelandic). Jökull 5, 43—46. ÞYKKT MÝRDALSJÖKULS Sigurjón Rist, Vatnamælingadeild Orkustofnunar. ÁGRIP a) Mæld var þykkt Mýrdalsjökuls á nokkrum stöðum, sumarið 1935, og reyndist isþykktin frá 200 til 370 metrar. b) Mœldur var snjór vetrarins 1954/55, og reyndist hann víðast hvar 4 til 6 metra djúpur, að vatni til um 3000 mm. INNGANGUR Mýrdalsjökull hefur mjög komið við sögu þjóðarinnar. Því valda eldsumbrot í Kötlu samfara ægilegum vatnsflóðum. Katla hefur gosið allreglulega allt frá landnámsöld. Sigurð- ur Þórarinsson (1959) telur sennilegt, að hún hafi verið virk a. m. k. síðastliðin 10 þúsund ár. Síðustu fjögur gosin voru 1755, 1823, 1860 og 1918. Auk hinna stóru vatnsflóða, sem eru ferlegar náttúruhamfarir, koma iðulega hlaup- skvettur úr jökullónum í randfjöllunum. Árið 1955 samþykkti Aljtingi þingsályktunar- 240 JÖKULL 17. ÁR
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