
Jökull - 01.12.1967, Side 10

Jökull - 01.12.1967, Side 10
Discharge in m^s i.e. at the southeast corner of Höfclabrekka.) At the place where the old bridge was and downstream from it the Múlakvísl flows in a gorge borclered on either side by cliffs with a fairly even stream becl making flow measure- ments favourable. The width of the streambecl was 60 metres and the depth of water 4.8 metres when the hlaup was at maximum. The measurement was carried out on a 246 metres long stretch where the fall was 1.80 metres. Usittg roughness coefficient of M = 40 in the Manning formula a flow of 2500 m3/sec ± 25% was obtained. A smaller part of the jökulhlaup broke out a little farther east or more precisely 3.5 ktn east of Rjúpnagil. The water did not come to the surface at the edge of the glacier but about 100 metres above its snout. The flow rate and total volume of this burst was less than that of the more westerly burst as seen in Fig. 2. When the more westerly jökulhlaup water, flowing into the Múlakvísl, was at maximum some of the water came also to the surface in the glacier 100—200 metres above its edge, but the greater part flowecl through tlie water channel emerging at its snout. The more easterly burst water falling into the Skálm flowed across flat alluvial plains from the glacier. Thus viewecl front an aero- plane the flow rate ol' the burst appeared high ancl dangerous to the inhabitatecl area of Alfta- ver. A little above the bridge on the Skálm the water flowed into a straight river bed although rather shallow and with an even lava bottom. At this spot it was possible to measure the flow rate. The flood swept away the bridge on the Skálm. Later it was rebuilt on the same spot. THE VOLUME OF THE CAULDRONS The expedition carrying out measurements of the thickness of Mýrdalsjökull could not study the changes on the ice cover simultaneous with the jökulhlaups due to bad weather ancl poor visibility. On July 4 tlie author went onto Mýrdals- jökull on foot with two farmers from the neigh- Fig. 2. Hydrograph of the jökulhlaup on June 25, 1955. The total volume of the ice cauldrons is compared to the surplus water discharged by the rivers Múlakvísl and Skálm. Mynd 2. Linurit yfir rennsli jökulhlaups i Múlakvisl og Skdlm 25. júni 1955. Rúrnmdl ketil- siga er borið saman við magn hlaupvatnsins. 244 JÖKULL 17. ÁR
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